Chapter 55 - Xander

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Eight days before....

"For someone so skinny, you really are difficult to handle," someone said above me, their head looming over my own.

"Fuck off."

"We could break you like a toothpick, Experiment X," he continued, laughing now. I heard more laughs around him. More doctors.

They're always laughing, like something is always so fucking amusing to them. They better not be laughing at me. Of course they're laughing at me. I'm so fucking sick of it. They need to stop finding amusement in my pain and suffering.

I bare my teeth, roll my eyes over until they turn black, and jump up in my metal restraints, roaring straight into the air. My lungs and throat expanded, the muscle and tissue stretching for the first time in a few weeks. It felt so nice, like itching something that needed to be scratched. The sound of the roar filled the entire room and echoed off of the walls, a sort of celestial version of the roar following right afterwards. The beast was taking over. My form was taking over.

"Experiment X!" I heard one of the doctors yell. "Calm down or we will shoot!"

But his cries were drown out by the sounds of me growling, the metal restraints groaning due to my movements. My body was elongating, my fingers were stretching and my jaw was breaking. Yes, yes, yes. Euphoria. I welcomed the beast. I welcomed the monster.

I turned to him with blazing black eyes and screamed at him. Fuck you, piece of shit. End your life. Kill yourself. Go drive your car into a brick wall. Take a gun to your head and shoot. Kill yourself, kill yourself, kill yourself.

They didn't know what I was saying, though. But this was my tongue, my language. The language written on my body. The speech that I knew; the discourse between my friends, my family, my people.

My people.

My people.

When I spoke, my voice broke in two. A lower, heavier voice snarled behind my own. The layered voice was my true voice, the one that came from deep within my diaphragm and my soul.

The voice and language of my kind.

The voice and language of the--

"I don't want him eating for another few days. Keep him under heavy sedation, you hear me? I don't want a word out of him."

"Dr. Balcom, I warned you about this weeks ago. He is continuing to strengthen, and he's killed a second doctor. Dr. Meremoth shot himself in the head with one of the soldier's own guns. Right in the room. Xander went crazy after smelling the blood. He broke right through the boron--"

"That is enough, Dr. Fahim. I am aware of what happened."

"Are you aware of how quickly he got out of those restraints? He popped through them like rubber bands, Alvah. It took two squadrons of army personnel to get him down," Dr. Fahim hissed.

"Enough--!" Dr. Balcom retorted.

"No! Not enough! Doctors are dying, soldiers are hospitalized, and the only one to blame here is not the boy lying in the Holding Pen right now," Dr. Fahim growled in her strong African accent, the words flowing strong but beautifully from her mouth. "He isn't human. He has powers none of us can even imagine to comprehend. We've gotten enough of the boy. Let him go." Her voice carried on and became more compassionate and soft.

"You're suggesting that we let that monster out?"

"I'm suggesting that we let him escape before he kills anyone else, including either of us. He's talked about his hit list, and you know that you're on the top. I know that you have the highest security over anyone else in here, but it's time that we come up with extra precaution."

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