authors note.

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hey everyone. I know I haven't updated in awhile and I'm sorry about that but I've been through some trying times in the last couple of weeks. I was involved in a car accident. I'm okay and everyone else involved was also okay. But it has left me with anxiety that I'm trying to manage better for the umpteenth time in my life lol. It's been thought ya know ? I've been also working a lot and trying to save money to pay for a summer class this year so I've been going through it a little bit lol. I've only had the energy to write small poems and short stories lately. You may have noticed the new little book that I published. That will be updated soon with poems I have written and such. I don't know when I'll have the mental capability to get another chapter out honestly cause it's exhausting for me and I don't want to publish anything less than great for you bunnies. I'm sorry for the wait but I hope the poems I write will help tide you guys over until I can throw up a new chapter here. Thank you all for being so patient with me loves.
& baby ducks<3
Xoxo Annie.  

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