To Be Judged i

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I could feel how uncomfortable Nyx felt the entire way to the meeting. I know he didn't want to sit here and be one of the people to possibly order his sister's execution but something had to be done about her crime.

I realized that Nyx's siblings are not exactly hidden within his own family but are known through the supernatural community, as I remember one of the alphas calling Nyx to alert him of the meeting involving his sister in the first place.

If people knew about his siblings, than that means they know the kind of trouble they come with. Athena would not be let off easy for this crime of hers.

Not that I had any sympathy for her. She was a horrible person; I'm sure not many people would really miss her presence. But she was still Nyx's family, no matter how horrible.

I tightened my grip on Nyx's hand as we walked into the old building. He looked down at me and I offered a comforting smile, rubbing my free hand up and down his arm.

"It'll be okay." I spoke softly to comfort him.

Nyx tried to give me a smile but it came out more of a grimance. I could see in his eyes he was trying to be positive for me, but it wasn't working. He knew the fate of his sister, and it was hard for his human side to accept, because we both know Jaxon was ready to get rid of her.

"Justice will be served, whether or not I agree with it." Nyx spoke. His voice was stone cold as we stood before the court room where the fate of Nyx's sister would be decided.

"Are you ready?" I asked Nyx as he stared at the old oak door. Behind this door, someone's life would be changed forever without mercy from anyone.

Nyx took a deep breath before nodding. "Hell no."


"I say death is the right choice. No one will miss her."

"Burn her at the stake like the olden days!"

"Marx, shut the hell up. If we're going to resort to olden times an eye for eye seems more fitting."

It had been over an hour and the only thing that everyone could seem to agree upon was that Athena deserved to die. But now no one could agree to how she should die. Nyx had been silent the entire meeting. No one asked him any questions during the entire hour we had been here. When asked for his verdict, he elected to do it silently on the ballot slip all council members had received.

"We are getting no where with all this shouting." The "judge" said rubbing his temples. He was the oldest member on the council which made him the judge of Athena's fate.

"Why don't you strip hr of her magic?" I muttered, what I thought was quietly.

"What was that little one?" Nyx asked beside me rather loudly, bringing everyone's attention to us immediately.

With all eyes on me I became extremely tense and anxious. "I-I said t-that could uh t-take away her her magic."

I wiped my clammy hands on the khaki slacks I wore today, waiting for someone to say something.

Suddenly one burst out laughing. "Oh Nyx, you were granted a malicious little thing didn't you?" He was definitely vampire by the ghostly cast of his skin. That and his fangs hung over his bottom lips slightly, like he had a nasty overbite.

Nyx turned to look at me. "Jasabelle, do you realize that stripping Athena of her magic will strip her of her soul because they are intertwined right?"

I nodded. "Yes, I realize this. But this way you can put her near her death," I leaned closer to whisper to him. "This way she lives and she wouldn't be able to hurt anyone."

Nyx smiled at me, kissing my forehead tenderly in front of the council making me blush. "You my little mate are a genius."


720 WORDS. Short but sweet.

So I am currently at the airport on hour 3 of my 4 hour delay ): So I thought I'd take the opportunity to upload this chapter really quick to sate you bunnies until the next chapter which I will probably write on the plane rode back home.

I'd just like to thank you guys for the patience and encouragement on this book. I love you all bunnies!!! <3

As always,



& Baby Ducks<3

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