Chapter 22

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Chapter 22 – A Walk Down Memory Lane.

Vulcan Romanov's P.O.V.

I burst through the open doors of the house and race down the driveway, heading towards the forest. A snarl escapes me in anger over what has just transpired minutes ago. I curse Ruxin; my wolf, and Vladimir; my vampire, angry that they had taken over and caused me to hurt her, hearing their whimpers in reply. 

Pumping my legs faster, I bound into the dark forest, my sight adjusting to the night which allows me to see clearly. I jump over fallen trees and increase my speed with every minute. 

How could I hurt her? I ask myself in disgust like I have been doing ever since I left the house. After seeing Aurora hug another man and letting him touch her, something just snapped within me. This morning, I had woken up to a blood lust and yelled at Indigo to chain me up in the dungeons until a nearby witch recast the spell on my pendant to keep my vampire side at bay.

I had convinced Aurora to spend the night with me, but as soon as I pulled her close to me in bed, the pull tightened and urged me to mark her. It didn't help that her hair was swept away from her neck which revealed the area where my mark would soon lay. It took a lot of self-control to restrain myself from hurting her. The pendant was doing very little to keep my beasts at bay this morning and I knew I had to get away from my sleeping angel as soon as the sun came up before I lost control.

"She's ours! You should've killed the boy!" My beasts roar at me from inside my head.

Not wanting to deal with them right now, I block them out and ignore their protests. Jumping over yet another log, my thoughts return to, Aurora. She has accepted me for who I am and I hurt her. The only person who I'm supposed to care and cherish for the rest of my life. 

I remember how she kept trying to tell me that it's okay but it isn't! I hit her, a woman who I care about; my woman. I have never been so angry and ashamed at myself. I should have listened to her, should have seen her but I didn't. I was too busy being an ass. I'm going out of my mind knowing she probably hates me right now and wants to leave. 

Would she have left already? I skid to a stop, making dirt fly up underneath my paws as I turn back to race to my house. She won't leave me. I will grovel at her feet, beg for forgiveness but I won't let her go. Aurora Maxwell, my light, is the only thing in this world keeping me sane.

I push myself harder, making it back to the house in no time. Running upstairs, I find myself unable to shift out of my wolf form because of how tense my beasts and I are. As I draw closer to my bedroom, I hear Aurora's soft, even breaths and normal heartbeat. 

Sighing in relief when I see that she has left it open, I slip in. My eyes adjust to the dark room, the only light being the lamp on the bedside table. But that's not what I'm looking at. My attention is solely on my sleeping mate, curled up into a ball on the bed with my sweater covering more than half of her body.

Ruxin and Vladimir both whine lowly when I see the dried tears on her cheeks. I step back and pull up the hem of my sweater slowly, using my teeth. I want her to wake up and give me the cruelest of punishments when I see what I've done. My beasts whimper even louder at the sight of angry, red scratch marks and dark bruises littering her once perfect skin. I push myself closer to her and start licking her wounds, hoping I'm not hurting her.

A soft groan escapes her pouty lips making me want to kiss the pain away. I continue, content in tending to my mate whilst she sleeps, pain free. Suddenly, her stunning, grey eyes snap open and she shoots up. Gasping at the sight of my wolf, she scoots back making me whine and graze my paw against the floor. Looking back at me in surprise, she recognizes me and jumps off the bed. Rounding the corner of it, she stands on her tip toes and wraps her arms around my large neck. A strange, choking sound leaves my lips as I laugh at how small she is.

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