Chapter 9

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Chapter 9 – Twenty Questions

I count down the minutes till the bell rings for lunch in Biology, tired and grumpy. It has been a week and a half since that kiss; since I have seen Vulcan. Clearly that promise to see me tomorrow was a lie. I have no idea why I'm so down about it though, I mean the guy is handsome as hell, older than me and probably has a long line of women desperate for the chance to date him yet he chooses an eighteen-year-old girl.

He probably does have a girlfriend, I miserably think to myself, my mood instantly deflating. Someone could have dared him to kiss me, it could have been just a prank. I feel like crap by giving away my first kiss just like that, to a guy who didn't even come back afterwards. Well, technically he smashed his lips to mine so, I didn't really give it away. 

Shaking my head clear of the thoughts that seem to constantly be at the forefront of my mind, I smile at Alex and Kayla who turn to look at me from the table diagonal to ours when the bell rings. We had been partnered up yesterday for a group project and are now sitting at different desks.

"Hey, do you want to come over to my place later so we can work on the project?" I ask, nudging Kaden with my elbow.

He sighs, standing and swinging his bag on his shoulder. "If I must."

I snort, unladylike. "If you want a good grade then yes, you must."

"Don't give me cheek, grasshopper." He waggles his index finger in front of my face making me scowl at him.

"Piss off." I mutter, picking my books up from the table and placing them in my bag. "I'm a ninja, not a stupid grasshopper. I have skills!"

"Uh huh, sure." He waves me off, making me swat his arm in retaliation.

Walking out of the classroom, I say goodbye to Kaden as he saunters off to who knows where. Alex pulls me aside in the hallway, watching as Kayla scurries off, saying she'll meet me in the cafeteria. I look back to see Alex staring in the direction Kaden just went.

"I don't think you should be hanging around Kaden too much." He frowns, crossing his arms.

"Seriously? He's my biology partner." I deadpan.

I can't say this is unexpected behavior from Alex, this isn't the first time he has warned me to stay away from the male population. In fact, Damon, Christian and Alex take the role of scaring away all the boys very seriously. It makes me so mad sometimes.

"I know but, outside of class. You do spend a lot more time with him and I'm just saying that he's not good to be around. You don't know him well enough, Rory."

"He's my friend." I murmur, clutching my books to my chest. "Kaden's a good person once you get to know him."

" careful, okay?" Alex sighs, wrapping an arm around my shoulders and leading me to the cafeteria once I nod.


I walk in and throw my keys in the wooden plate on the nearby table, hearing Kaden close the door. Throwing my bag onto the sofa, I turn to him with my hands dramatically outstretched.

"Welcome to my humble abode, fellow ninja!"

He chuckles, mischief in his steely blue eyes as he corrects me. "Master."

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