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  The final bell rang, and I sprung out of my seat. Hell yeah. I dropped my book off at my locker and slipped through the hallway crowd. 

"Are you coming to Tyler's birthday party?" Gabriel walked next to me.

"He's like my brother, of course I am."

"Are you going to invite Damian?"

"Why'd you say his name like that?"

"Like what?" He smiled. "Oh, there's Kris. I have to go but don't forget to invite your boyfriend!"

"He's not my..." I trailed off when I realized he was too far away to hear me. It was pointless anyways; all of our friends were convinced we had a thing for each other. Hell no. Damian was a spoiled prude most of the time.

My phone vibrated. Speak of the devil.

"Why are you calling me?" 

"Thanks for the concern," he said, the wind messing up the audio. "I need you to pick me up from school."

"What? I thought your dad was getting you."

It wasn't unusual for him to randomly cancel plans. He wasn't exactly dad of the year. We weren't close, but I didn't need another dad. Mine was gone. 

"He had a meeting. Are you coming or not? It's starting to snow," he said. 

"Yeah, I'll be there," I bit back a smile. He was such a baby.

I exited the school building and headed to my car. Flurries danced from the sky, only to melt when they touched the ground. School traffic sucked, but it didn't take too long to get to the fancy private school Damian had to attend. 

My chest tightened when I spotted him waiting for me up front alone. His light hair was teased by the wind, cheeks coated in a layer of pink.

How the hell did he manage to look so cute? Wait, cute? I made a face.

"I'm freezing," he was a shivering mess as he slid inside the passenger seat. "Turn the heat on."

"Hm, I don't know. The car gets too stuffy," I teased.

He didn't bring it up again and started to heat his hands up with his breath. I rolled my eyes, turning on the highest heat setting as I ignored the small smile gracing his lips.

A part of me wanted to speed down the road but Damian shoot that down real quick. I didn't want to argue with him.

A few solid minutes passed without words, the only sound drifting through the car were from The 1975 and my windshield wipers collecting snowflakes.

"Skylar," Damian spoke up, his amber eyes locked on his hands.


He turned to me.  "Do you think we'll still talk when we're grown ups?"

"I... don't know."

The light turned green.


"Weren't you two grounded for partying?" Teresa crossed her arms.

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