Prom Night~ Sixteen

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Tonight is the night where we can dance until our feet get tired, drink spiked punch, wear beautiful dresses and spend just that night with your Prince Charming. I couldn't wait! Twirling in my pink, glittering ball gown. Allison, Emily and Rebecca did their makeup and hair. Amy and Haley sat on my bed. Watching us get ready.

Haley shrieked. Clapping both of her hands she smiled, "You girls look incredible! Just beautiful! I remember when I went to prom. It was the best night-"

Amy covered her sisters mouth, "Haley I have heard that story about you and Shane about a zillion times."

My friends and I laughed. I know exactly how Haley can be when it comes to her sweetheart stories. She's such a hopeless romantic. Emily patted peach blush on her cheek, "Did you have your first time after prom was over?"

Haley's eyes widened, "Ha-ha. Oh no! Well we did have sex but my first time was in the back of his truck."

Grabbing my pillow I threw it at Haley. "Oh my gosh! Really? Hales how could you!!" I exclaimed. The rest went into a misfit of giggles. I always pictured my first time with rose pedals along the bed sheets. Candles lit with fire. My favorite slow song and of course with the guy I love. Archer. I just want to so bad! Ha-ha. I don't know what I should do. Prom is a romantic night but it's so cliche! I rather a night just for us. I want it to be special. Now I'm the one who sounds like a hopeless romantic!

"At least she didn't have her first time in the janitor's closet!" Rebecca teased Emily. I covered my mouth. Oh dear, Emily! Emily widely smiled. Grabbing her lipstick, "Oh hush Becca! I'm not the one who lost it to Ben freshman year. At the schools carnival under the bridge!"

Rebecca's cheeks reddened like strawberries. Pointing a finger at Emily-"That's not true!" she pouted. All of us burst with laughter. What is with their first times? Oh God bless these young teenagers today!

Allison smoothed the ruffles on the skirt of her dress. Pampering her face with blush, "I had my first time in my parents bedroom. They weren't home! And, my bed wasn't big enough."

Rebecca laughed. Placing her hand to her forehead, "I hope you washed the sheets."

They all laughed except me. My friends all lost their virginity. I'm almost eighteen and I'm still a virgin. I mean, it's not a bad thing but I kinda feel embarrassed and out of the loop. I didn't have a weird but funny story about how I lost my virginity. Emily blew her fingernails, "Selena, how about you? How did you lose it?"

Scratching the back of my head I deeply sighed. My cheeks reddened and I could feel my palms sweating. I didn't know exactly what to say. Would they laugh at me? What if they thought I was a coward or a girl that believed in waiting until she's married? What if, What if, What if? Grinning slightly, "I'm a virgin..."

They all covered their mouth and gasped. Oh my gosh! It's not that big of a deal...

"You're so pretty! H-How?" Allison exclaimed. Throwing her hands up in the air in frustration.

Placing a strand of hair behind my ear, "I don't know. I just want it to be special, you know?"

Rebecca stood next to me. Grabbing my hands, "That's so adorable! Lena, you don't have to be embarrassed or anything. Losing your virginity should be special because you only have it once. I'm kinda surprised though. I thought you and Archer probably had s-"

Slapping her arm, "Becca!"

Haley stood. Her red hair sweeping off her shoulders, "Well I'm going to go check on the guys. You girls get ready and stop talking about sex! Ha-ha. We're setting a bad influence for Amy."

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