Chapter Six: Milkshake Madness

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Immediately when Alex parked in front of the house I sprinted across the grass and along the steps. Unlocking the door I stormed inside. I couldn't believe Logan! I can't believe I actually had a crush on that jerk! I didn't even care about Allison right now. I tried to rush to my room before anyone could spot me but I was wrong.

"Selena! What in the world happened to you?" Haley shouted, rushing over to me. Examining the huge clumps of ice cream in my hair and over my clothes.

"Nothing." I lied, feeling my eyes water.

Klaus and Amy walked downstairs. Oh gosh. This day just got worse. I didn't want them to see me like this! It would be even worse if Archer saw me.

Amy snorted, "Selena got chocolate wasted."

Haley glared at her sister in-law.

"Selena, what the hell?" Klaus looked me over.

Haley placed her hands on her hips, "Tell me who did this to you. Selena it's okay."

Looking down at my shoes, "Allison dumped her milkshake on me because I told her to go to hell." I choked.

Haley sighed. Placing her hand on her forehead she nodded, "Well okay. Klaus take her upstairs and get her cleaned up. Selena we'll talk about this later."

Klaus helped wash the sticky, cold, ice cream out of my hair. I couldn't help but to laugh. I never imagined that a guy would be washing my hair. Klaus laughed too. Handing me a towel he stood. I dried my hair and my neck with the towel.

"You shouldn't let Allison get away with this. Selena, can't you see they're jealous of you? You dress better than them, you're gorgeous and you're not afraid of them." Klaus crossed his arms and leaned against the bathroom wall.

"I know, Klaus. I'm trying to change. There's no need to slump to their level."

"But, letting them walk all over you is okay? Blaire and Miranda drugged you and Allison dumped her drink over your head!"

Klaus is right. I shouldn't let them treat me like this. Klaus smirked, "I know Archer is helping you change your ways. I couldn't help but to eavesdrop. Maybe I can help you too?"

I know I could trust Klaus. Wait, why was he eavesdropping on my conversation with Archer?

"What do you have in mind?"

Klaus borrowed Haley's car. We told her I needed to buy conditioner. I hate lying to Haley but I really didn't want her to know where I was really going. Klaus and I were on our way to his friend Sean's house. Sean is basically the one to go to for secrets. For a price of course. He's also in Klaus's band. The Heartbreakers. Nice name. Note the sarcasm. Klaus parked alongside the sidewalk. He really is a horrible driver.

Knocking on Sean's door, Klaus dragged me towards the back. Opening the back door we walked inside. I don't get how you can just enter a persons home without being invited.

You could smell the smoke and cheap alcohol seeping in from Sean's room door. Klaus knocked. In a couple of minutes the door swung open.

Sean groaned. I guess he wanted us to go. "Bro, I thought you were my mom. You can't scare me like that."

Klaus bumped fists with the guy. Rolling my eyes I just wanted to go home. Sean's eyes lingered along my body and he smirked, "If I would've known you were bringing Selena I would've... dressed more appropriate." he winked. I wanted to puke.

Punching his arm, "You're a pig."

Sean rubbed his arm and laughed, "You hit like a girl."

"I am a girl!"

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