♪ Chapter 11 ♪

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A/N: I wanna just say, I'm so very sorry guys for my super duper late update last chapter. So, I'm gonna try and make this chapter done faster for you guys. I hope you guys didn't give up on me between the few weeks I didn't update.  😭 I hope you guys enjoy this chapter. It's a little action packed.


I heard the crowd's screams before I even got anywhere close to the arena. Henry was accompanying me. "Don't worry about the noise. Just block everything out like you normally do." He chuckled, laughing. I giggled nervously. He was referring to the time where I had blocked out everyone and everything including Hunter who was more than pissed so to say. The man actually thought I was hypnotised. With that thought, I laughed out.

"Hit it with your best shot, Maddy." Henry grinned, winking as he stopped right in front of a door that said participant. I smiled back at him nervously before opening it. The shouts and screams that belonged to the crowd got louder. I was temporarily frozen in place. I was not used to this many, maybe hundreds of people looking at me. I gulped, looked back at Henry who was already walking down the hallway then back at the arena.

Well, might as well go down fighting, huh? I asked myself. My wolf purred, agreeing with me. I felt her push her way through my control but I stopped her. Later. She pouted and unwillingly stayed back. What she did do was control my eyes. I was pretty sure it was glowing a silvery colour.

I started walking up the stairs leading right to the arena. My eyes were trained on the other end where I recognised one of the few famous warriors smirking. I grimaced. I thought it was supposed to be following the ranking. As far as I heard, she was one of the top 20 or something. She was known for her exotic looks, having thick black hair and hazel brown eyes with olive skin. If I wasn't mistaken, her mother was an Indian and her father an American.

I swallowed and walked up until I was on the stage. I stopped a few meters away from her while she did the same. We stared at each other for a while. She gave me a small smile before turning to face the crown and smirking. She waved and blew kisses which made the screams go louder. Looks like she had many fans.

"Helllloooooo everyone, are we all excited?!" Someone hollered. My eyes snapped to a familiar guy who was walking up the stage. My jaw almost dropped. It was Bryan!! He was the host!! My wolf let out a wolf like guffaw which had me thinking of a pig laughing. I winced when my wolf snarled at me very loudly.

"Today we have a surprise..." he said excitedly. "We have our exotic beauty, Linda who is ranked 30. Give her a big applause, guys!!" He shouted. The crowd went wild with people shouting Linda's name. I pursed my lips to hide my shivers. "So, Linda wants to give everyone good news, am I right, Linda?" She nodded happily before skipping off to Bryan.

She grabbed the microphone from his hands and sleared her throat. "Guys, this will be my last fight. I have found my place back in my old pack and I'm hoping I might find my mate there too." She grinned happily. There were louder screams now and I heard many I love you's. 

"Now let's go to our next contestant..... drumroll anyone?" Bryan asked and in the next second, almost everyone was drumming their laps. I was in awe. He could really capture the  crowd's attention well. "Thank you! Now as I was saying, let's welcome, our newest addition, Maddy!" There was pin drop silence. "Over here, Maddy." He gestured for me to come over. I slowly walked over, my eyes scanning the crowd.

I was looking for Hunter and the gang when I finally found them somewhere right in the middle. Hunter was grinning widely, Tanner was expressionless and Rian had furrowed brows. He was probably calculating something. "So Maddy here is the mate of Alpha Hunter..." there were some shocked gasps in the room. Looks like someone was way outdated. "She was also a rogue. Now Maddy, this is your first time doing this am I right?" I nodded. "Let's wish her luck, guys!" In a second, everybody was clapping for me.

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