♪ Chapter 10 ♪

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A/N: I am so so sorry for the late update guys. I know I'm wayy late and you'll probably hate me but I was so busy these few weeks.  I had my first exams for the year. I think I did quite okay but I was quite disappointed cause I made so many careless mistakes. I got like 60+ only for the subjects I took. 😭 But anyway, let's continue with the story. I hope you guys enjoy and if you do, I would appreciate it a lot if you click the ⛦ button. 😊


"So what did the headmaster say?" Hunter asked me as I settled in bed, my back against the headboard.

"Well, he said a lot of things. Half of which I don't even know what to make of. He also explained your situation." I paused, letting it sink in. Hunter was quiet. "Hunter.."

"Yeah I heard you. Can you tell me what he said?" He asked, drawing patterns on the back of my palm. I smiled at his comforting action.

"He said you were still here cause you had more potential. And that Tanner was still not sure about joining our pack.. And that one of the reasons you're still here and I'm still here is cause we were destined to meet. It was our fate." I leaned down to lean on his shoulder instead. He was nice and warm and huggable. Like a teddy bear.

"Well then, I'm lucky it happened then." He kissed my head. I smiled with a small blush. I still wasn't used to being showed so much attention before. And all his small gestures made my day everyday. We were quiet for a bit, enjoying each other's company before Hunter spoke. "I just remembered I forgot to tell you something."

"What is it?"

"Your first match is tomorrow." He answered. I sat up quickly in bed.

"What? No one told me earlier. And I thought you're supposed to know a week before?" I asked, panicking.

Hunter laughed melodiously. I huffed when he did. It was not funny. "Calm down, Maddy. Henry did tell you earlier. Do you remember the time where you went for practice half asleep?" I nodded. "It was the time you fell asleep half way doing sit ups." It was my turn to scowl and Hunter to smirk. "Henry told you a while earlier than that. I guess you were too sleepy you forgot about it." He grinned.

I thought about the events of last week. Yeah, it was possible. I was so sleepy cause I had slept for an hour only. I had a project to finish the next day and I was up late finishing it. Hunter, being the best mate one could ever think of, had fallen asleep long before I had even completed half. I remember slapping him awake at 4 in the morning to scoot over so that I could sleep properly.

I giggled softly. Hunter rolled his eyes, probably remembering the weird red mark on his face that had appeared on his face the next day. Oops...

"Do you think I'll be able to do it?" I asked a while after we both had quieted down. I heard his sigh.

"Yes. I think you're probably even capable of winning in one go so don't worry."

"No pressure at all." I chuckled nervously.

"Relax, Maddy. You can do it. I believe in you as do Rian, Tanner, Henry and even the headmaster. And who cares if no one believes. Ots just us that matter anyway." He kissed my lips softly. I grinned.

"You should think of becoming a motivator. You give nice motivating speeches."

"Only for you, love." He kissed me again before turning me around and hugging me at the waist. "Now go to sleep. You have an important day up ahead."

I nodded, yawning. "Good night, Hunt..." I trailed off.


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