The Game is On, Part 2

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Having finished putting the dishes away and clicking off the light, Annabelle turned to leave the kitchen and collided head-on with Soo-Ling.

"Oh, I'm so sorry," Annabelle apologized then took a step back at the venom that radiated from Soo-Ling's eyes. "Ar–are you alright, Soo-Ling?"

Soo-Ling looked down the hall, then glared back at Annabelle. "No, I'm not alright, you bitch!"

Annabelle's jaw dropped in shock. What was her problem? Anger started to fill her as Soo-Ling blocked her way.

"Then I'm sorry I asked. If you'll excuse me." Annabelle moved to go around, but Soo-Ling stepped in front of her. Annabelle's fists balled at her sides as she stared into Soo-Ling's eyes. "Let me pass," she demanded.

Soo-Ling continued to stare at her competition. What was it about this woman that had a man like James Moriarty so enamored? Her eyes roamed over Annabelle, taking in every detail, just as Moriarty had done to her. She was attractive, that was clear, but looks had never mattered to Moriarty before. If so, Soo-Ling was certain she'd be the one warming his bed tonight. What was it about Annabelle Watson that captured his attention? Soo-Ling shook her head as she decided there was nothing special about the girl other than the reward money that was piled on her head.

Annabelle was finished with Soo-Ling's examination. "I'm not sure how I've wronged you, but you need to get out of my way."

"Or you'll what?" Soo-Ling sneered.

Just as Annabelle was about to show her, Sam came down the hall. Seeing the tension between the two women, he looked at Soo-Ling and shook his head. "Soo-Ling, the boss said we're to move into the house until he returns. Go get ready."

Soo-Ling's face instantly changed as she gave Sam a seductive smile. "I can hardly wait."

She sneered again at Annabelle then flounced off, intent on her new mission.

Sam glanced at Annabelle then looked at the ground. "Miss Watson, I haven't had the chance to thank you for saving my life." Annabelle started giggling as Sam's head shot up, his brow furrowing that she would laugh at his omission.

"I'm so sorry for laughing, Sam. I've just had an awful run-in with Soo-Ling which I'm still confused about, and now you're thanking me." She put her hand to her forehead as she shook her head. "I think my emotions have traveled to every extreme tonight." She touched his arm and smiled warmly at him. "There's no need to thank me, Sam."

Sam smiled back at her. "Sleep well, Miss Watson." He turned and walked out the front door.

Annabelle sighed. She didn't feel like going to sleep. She couldn't understand why Soo-Ling would be so angry with her. She rubbed her forehead again as something caught the corner of her eye. She looked over at the alcove hidden in the darkness beside the staircase. Taking a deep breath, she slowly approached the spot. Her heartbeat quickened as she wondered if someone was hiding there and didn't want to be found.

As she approached the spot, she sighed. There was no one hiding. It was just her imagination, of course. Annabelle touched the solid wood panel that enclosed the space under the staircase. "You must be going mad, Annabelle," she said to herself.

Just as Annabelle began to stand, she heard voices coming towards her. She crouched back down again, balancing on her fingertips as she waited in the darkness.

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