It's Complicated, Part 5

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Annabelle smiled as she rolled over on the bed while the morning light streamed through the window. After her nightmare, she slept soundly for the rest of the night, knowing Sherlock was close by watching over her.

Blushing, she remembered what had transpired between them during the night. She couldn't believe how brazen she had been. What had gotten into her? The nightmare seemed so real and yet the feel of his skin against her lips felt like a dream. But what now? How could she possibly look at him the same way?

Annabelle got out of the bed, opened the door and looked down the hall. She heard noise coming from the kitchen. Quickly, she gathered her things and headed for the washroom. Finishing her morning routine, she walked down the short hallway.

"Good morning," she said happily as she approached the little kitchen.

An equally happy voice greeted her. "Oh, Annabelle. I'm so glad you're awake."

Mrs. Hudson hurried out of the kitchen with a tray in hand. She set it on the little coffee table and immediately hugged Annabelle. Her voice quickly changed to one of worry.

"Oh, my dear, you poor, poor girl. What a horrible thing to happen to you. It's a wonder you're able to sleep at all."

"Mrs. Hudson, I didn't expect to see you here this morning," she said awkwardly.

Annabelle wasn't sure if she was disappointed or relieved that Sherlock was absent. She watched as Mrs. Hudson poured the steaming tea into the two teacups, putting milk and sugar in each one.

"Sherlock told me everything last night after you'd gone to sleep. He was called away with John to a case in Manchester. The detective was insistent he go, but Sherlock wanted to make sure I checked in on you."

She put a scone on a plate and held it out for her. Annabelle took the plate and confused, sat down beside Mrs. Hudson.

"When did Sherlock leave, Mrs. Hudson?"

Mrs. Hudson touched her finger to her chin."I think it was around midnight. But don't worry, dear. Sherlock and your uncle want you to sleep here until they get the lock fixed. Your uncle was quite upset about the break-in."

Annabelle drank the hot tea slowly as she digested this new information. She began calculating the timeline of the night before. Either Mrs. Hudson was off on her timing, or the nightmare had happened much earlier than she initially thought.

"Anyway, dear, when you're ready, I'm going to help you get your flat cleaned up. It will be as good as new in no time." Mrs. Hudson sighed as she looked at Annabelle. "Poor, dear." She patted her hand. "Don't you worry about a thing. Your guardian angel is looking out for you."

Annabelle looked at Mrs. Hudson and smiled. "It's true. I do have a guardian angel."

She thought about Sherlock and wondered if her uncle would ever approve of her involvement with the Consulting Detective.

She finished her tea and scone with Mrs. Hudson and the two set off to conquer the chaos that had taken over Annabelle's flat.


After a day of fixing her little flat with Mrs. Hudson, Annabelle thanked her profusely for her help but excused herself from dinner with the kindly landlady. She was exhausted from the stress of the day and just wanted to rest for a while.

Annabelle entered Sherlock's flat, locked the door behind her and tiredly sat down on the sofa. A few moments went by, and the silence of the empty apartment was deafening to Annabelle. She sadly looked over at her beloved phonograph.

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