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I had texted Michael during the evening, asking what he was doing. He obviously already knew it was me, and we had an interesting text conversation about the book from the library that both of us had finished already. I was almost completely shocked when I read his feelings about the book and realized one thing; our opinions on literature weren't that different after all. Even though you could look at us and see us as complete opposites.


During the Saturday that came that week, me and Michael had decided we were going to meet at the library and return the books together. We kind off had to though. Since I had borrowed both the books, I had to return them.

When I arrived at the library I couldn't see him or his motorcycle anywhere, so I went inside to try and find a couple of new books to borrow. Every time I heard the door open, I tried to see who it was that entered, but it was never Michael. While walking around waiting for him, it felt as if a knot was growing in my stomach. Maybe he wouldn't come. I had just admitted it to myself, a couple of days ago, that I was attracted to this guy. He was one of the few that had made that impression on me, and he didn't show up. When an hour passed, I was not disappointed anymore, but I was starting to get irritated. Who does he think he is, not arriving in time when we decided to meet at 11AM in the library. Even my stomach was complaining about him being late. I was starting to get hungry.

After another ten minutes of waiting, I walked up to the counter to return the books I brought from home and borrow some new ones.

"Do you have the second copy with you?", the librarian asked me. I shook my head. There was not that much to say. I had stopped turning my head towards the door when it opened, but this time I could see who it was in the corner of my eye. His tall figure was approaching me, with the book in his hand. Thank God! I told myself. I didn't have to pay for the book. When I turned to look at him, I was a bit surprised by his handsome look. Last time I had seen him in the library, he was not wearing anything fancy at all. But this time, it really looked as if he had tried to make an effort when it came to his appearance. His hair was spiky and fixed with gel, he was wearing a white clean t-shirt together with some black ripped jeans. I shivered at the thought of how cold it was outside when I came, but maybe the weather had gotten better. Focus Olivia! I told myself. You're irritated at him, remember?

"Olivia I'm really sorry for being late, but I can explain..."

Without letting him finish, I snapped the book out of his hand and put it on the counter. When the librarian came back, she raised her eyebrows, looking from me to Michael, to me again, before she walked away again.

It felt as if I was boiling inside. Who did he think he was?! He left me, waiting here for more than one hour, and then he shows up, handsome as hell, and...

"Why weren't you here at eleven as you said you would be?", I asked him, intending to sound a bit colder than I did. Unfortunately, the only tone that come from my mouth was a disappointed one.

"Well if you let me take you to grab coffee and some lunch, I can explain?", he said and scratched the back of his head. At first I just looked at him before I nodded.

When the librarian came back with the books I was going to take with me home, I handed her my card, before walking away from the counter. I was carrying 4 books and my hands, and I just loved the feeling of being a nerdy girl, in love with books.

There was an awkward silence between us, when we walked over to the closest restaurant. I had seen this one many times before, but I had never tried it. On the inside it looked like a small, cozy café more suitable for family gatherings than lunch with a guy.

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