Chapter 33: Everything

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I either felt everything too damn much or nothing at all. There's no middle. It's one or the other. No grey area, just black and white. But with Becca ... With Becca I felt everything. Every touch, every kiss, every look, every whisper. I felt it all.

I felt her presence within me so vibrantly that I knew its mark was permanent. She laced herself into the depths of my heart, my soul, and there was no escaping now. We couldn't go back, only forward. And I wanted to go forward with her until there was no where left to go.

I wanted everything with this girl.

Call me crazy. Hell, maybe I am. Crazy in love? Crazy in like? Crazy about her? A little of each or all at once? I had no damn clue.

All I knew was that being with Becca made me feel like I was on top of the fucking world. Every time I made her smile or laugh; every time she leans up on her tip toes and hooks her arms around my neck; every time she allows herself to be vulnerable with me; every time she lets me kiss feels as if my heart expands in my chest, threatening to burst out at any moment.

She made me feel a happiness that I never even knew existed. And this was only our first day as a real couple.

Man, I was losing it.

* * *

I leaned in and kissed Becca's cheek as we walked through the school hallway. Her face immediately flushed pink and the look in her eyes made us feel very alone in this crowded space.

"Brett!" She yelled my name and lightly smacked my arm. I loved how she was embarrassed by this. I started laughing which, of course, only made her more annoyed.

She was still shy to my affection and that was fine, eventually she would open herself up to me completely. But I couldn't help it, I kissed her every chance I had, held her hand or wrapped my arm around her, just to feel her pressed up against me. Just to know that she was still there. Becca was my girlfriend now and everyone in this damn school needed to know that.

I wanted to flaunt my girl to the entire world. Was that such a bad thing?

Every student in the hall had their eyes trained on us as we walked hand in hand. I knew Becca wasn't a fan of all the attention -- I could tell by the way she kept looking over her shoulders, her eyes scanning the halls nonstop; or by how she was fidgeting with her bag strap, a nervous habit. I reached out and slid the strap off her shoulder and down her arm before carrying it on mine. She glanced up at me and smiled shyly. I wanted to reach out and pull her to me, to feel her completely in my arms.

This girl would be the death of me.

"Everyone's staring at us, Brett." She groaned. Her head was tilted downwards as she turned the dial on her locker, her hair cascading down and blocking her face from my view. I reached out and tucked it behind her ear.

"Let them stare," I shrugged.

"It's not that easy!" She sighed, frustrated as she slammed the books into her locker. When she looked up at me there was a fire behind her eyes, the same one I saw that very first day in the hallway. She was good at hiding it but some times the fire blazed brighter and for some sick reason, I loved it.

She crossed her arms tightly and stared up at me, chewing nervously on her very kissable bottom lip. Her mouth was moving animatedly and I couldn't focus on what she was saying. Her lips were mesmerizing.

I thought back to this morning when she hooked her legs around my waist and pulled me to her, kissing me like she never had before. Just the thought of it made me --

(RIVALS) The Upside of Falling ✔️Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon