Chapter 33

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"Where do we begin?"


Tsunade sat at the head of the table, her elbows on the table and her fingers threaded together in a tight grasp. Standing behind her were her two aids: Shizune and Torune. There were present due to their role in assisting Tsunade, but were forbidden from taking part in the discussions. They would only observe and do as they were directed.

Opening her eyes slowly, Tsunade's expression sharpened. "We start at the beginning, with the Village Hidden by a Waterfall."

Koharu shook her head, "Then we already disagree. There is no denying that all this begun with Nara Kanoko."

Danzo nodded, "I agree with you, however, I also believe we should start with the massacre at the Land of Water. Best to start on common ground and move on from there."

Tsunade shifted her eyes from each side of the table. Seeing no objections, she turned to her ANBU commander.

The masked man nodded, "Jiraiya is out in the field right now, trying to gather more information, but for right now, we can confirm the presence of the newly formed group: The Akatsuki. Specifically, the Leaf's own Uchiha Itachi."

Danzo scoffed, his eyes narrowing, "Uchiha Itachi is not one of our own and you would do well to avoid saying such."

If the ANBU Commander flinched, it was covered up by the black dog mask and thick brown cloak.

"Regardless," Homura started, "The other villages will see it differently."

Koharu nodded at Tsunade, "Homura is right. Some will see our presence and Uchiha Itachi's involvement as one in the same. They will conclude this was a deliberate attack by the Leaf. The Sand is already pounding on our door with questions – hence the presence of the late Kazekage's children in our village."

"But they were not so disagreeable to deny a request by our Hokage." The ANBU Commander spoke.

Tsunade closed her eyes and exhaled deeply through her nose, "Those children did not aid us because the request came from me, but rather because of the objective of the mission."

Homura scoffed, a frown on his face, "And now we are back to Nara Kanoko."

Koharu looked between the two, "What do you mean, Lady Tsunade?"

"The youngest, Gaara, suggested that they were only taking the mission due to a debt he owed Nara Kanoko." Tsunade explained

This caught Danzo's interest, "What debt was that?"

The ANBU Commander cut in, "Reports from the Suna Invasion suggest Nara Kanoko removed a dangerous seal from the Jinchuuriki's body. The same mark placed on Uchiha Sasuke's neck by the sannin, Orochimaru."

The room was silent. Tsunade clenched her fingers together, "Orochimaru..."

"We are getting off topic." Koharu spoke suddenly, "We cannot afford to be deviated. Let us wrap of one discussion before leading into another."

Tsunade nodded, "Which leads us back to the massacre at the Village Hidden by a Waterfall. Do we have a solid clue as to why the Akatsuki targeted this village?"

"Besides the obvious?" Danzo told her harshly, "After Itachi's attempted kidnapping of the Leaf's Jinchuuriki-"

"Naruto. His name is Uzumaki Naruto." Tsunade told Danzo, her eyes cold.

Danzo continued as if he wasn't interrupted, "-it is logical to conclude that the Akatsuki's mission was to take their own tailed beast: The Seven Tailed Beetle."

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