Chapter 20

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The final rounds were to be held in a large-dome like arena. The walls went high up into the air, curving around and leaving only a small hole leading to the sky. The whole area felt warm, especially with the spotlights focusing on the stage.

People from all around the nations were making their way to their seats. Multiple booths were set up outside for food and other items. It was a little amusing to see t-shirts with "Go Team Baki" or "Go Team Gai".

The event wouldn't start for another hour, so Team 7 had split off into different directions. Her brother was currently travelling behind her – the both of them looking for their parents.

"Man... This is such a drag..." Shikamaru moaned behind her, fighting through the crowd.

Kanoko growled slightly, "Are you a parrot or something? Can't you say anything else?"

"A parrot only repeats what it's told." Shikamaru responded like the smartass he is.

Kanoko gave him an annoyed look, before focusing back on the crowd ahead and on a familiar spiky ponytail. Walking down the stairs of the stands, she walked up to her father.

"Well, look who just found us Yoshino..." Shikaku said lazily. Their mother leaned over their father to get a closer look, "Oh! Just look at you two! Couldn't you have found something better to wear! Everyone here is going to think I can't dress you two properly."

Kanoko and Shikamaru both looked down at their clothes, confused. They were wearing what they always wear...

Kanoko evaded the conversation with a question, "Where are Ino's and Choji's parents?" Kanoko always knew Inoichi and Choza to be close by wherever her father was.

Yoshino responded with a scoff, "They wanted to be responsible and caring parents and actually sought out their children. Unlike your sorry excuse for a father. He decided the best course of action was to wait for you to find us." She finished crossing her arms and turning from Shikaku.

Shikaku scratched the back of his head, "Haha. Well it worked, didn't it? They're here now, aren't they?"

Shikamaru sighed dramatically at his parents. He just didn't understand them.

Kanoko just smiled slightly. As much as her family drove her insane, they were still hers.


In a special sectioned off area, not too high in the stands, but not too low either, were three special seats. Standing next to these seats were two guards each – and all three sets from a different village.

Walking in, the Hokage made his way to his seat, on the far left. Sitting down, he noticed a rather annoyed looking Raikage with his head leaning on his hand.

"Bored already Raikage? I thought you would be in anticipation: To watch the team your brother trained fight in the matches." The Hokage asked him with a knowing smile.

The Raikage, Ay, just scoffed, not moving an inch, "That won't be until the second match and even then, they won't be losing to Leaf genin, so it's going to be a waste of my time."

The Hokage smirked, "Confident are we? I guess we will just have to watch and see." The Hokage then searched the area before asking further, "Where is your brother anyways? I don't believe I've seen him."

Ay closed his eyes, getting further annoyed, "Ha! I left that idiot at home!"

Hearing chuckling from the Third Hokage, the Raikage moved from his hand and looked over, "What is so funny?"

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