36: The Earth Isn't Round

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I'm not sure how long I've been asleep.  But when I woke up, my body felt stiff all over.  I took in my surroundings, confused on where I'm at. 

I caught a glimpse of a big desk a few feet in front of me and tall windows along the walls.  I shifted around to try to get comfortable but frowned.  Am I in a chair?  I looked down and huffed.  I am in an office chair.  How nice. 

"You're finally up."  I heard a voice say from behind. 

It was Adam as he walked through the door with a cup of water and a small bottle of Advil. 

I frown at him.  "Why am I in your office?" 

He approaches me and places the cup and pills on the desk.  "Because I had to do something here and I was your only ride home.  Here, take these and drink some water." 

I swallow two pills and chased them down with the provided water.  "Why couldn't you have dropped me off at my place?" 

Adam takes a seat in his chair and begins typing away on his computer.  "Because you were still sleeping and I didn't want to wake you." 

I give him a confused look.  "But you some how dragged me all the way up to your office?" 

He blows out a sigh of frustration as he shoots me a look in my direction.  "Would you rather be sleeping in the car or be up here?" 

I roll my eyes at the obvious answer.  "The car." 

"Fine," he says with a flick of his wrist, "go back to the car and sleep." 

"Fine."  I echo. 

I began to get up, but got hit with a strong wave of vertigo-forcing me to sit back down.  Just the thought of moving gave me a headache. 

I looked over at Adam and noticed the smallest smirk appear on his face as the corner of his lips twitched upwards. 

I glare at him as I huffed out a sigh.  "Ugh, you're unbelievable." 

Adam pauses his typing and turns his head to look at me.  And telling by his face, he looks extremely annoyed by that. 

"Let's not forget your behavior that you displayed during dinner."  He snaps coldly. 

I roll my eyes.  "As far as I'm concerned, I wasn't even allowed to join you guys.  So I didn't even have anything to eat." 

"'As far as you're concerned'? Did you forget what you did or must I remind you?"  He fumes. 

I place a hand over my temple and began rubbing it, trying to get rid of the obnoxious throbbing pain.  "Please lower your voice."  I mumble, closing my eyes. 

"You acted so unprofessional before the meeting actually started!  And then, after Robert left, you still somehow found a way to embarrass me even more!"  He continues, completely ignoring my request. 

I moan, totally caressing my head now, taking another sip of water.  "Adam..."

"Do you know what respect looks like?  Or am I going to have to show you?"  He rants. 

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