Chapter 3

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Sophia had her hand on the trigger.

One of the men held up one free hand. "There's nothing to be afraid of ladies. I'm afraid my traveling partner has some very bad manners." The man slapped the brooding face of his handcuffed partner with his free hand.

"Ouch, a little gentleness would be appreciated." The man's dark gray eyes wandered over to the woman holding a pistol. "Please, dear lady, have mercy on us. I'm only a prisoner on the way to the gallows."

Cassandra was drawn to the black, wavy, unruly hair of the prisoner. His gray eyes returned her gaze, and they finally settled on Cassandra's breasts.

"Mind your manners," the blonde haired man reminded his captive mate.

"Of course, My Lord," he said with a slight bow.

"Gentlemen, please explain yourselves. I would like to know why I have two men handcuffed to each other standing in my parlor." She noted the droplets the men had deposited on her light colored maple chairs.

"Certainly, uh. Miss...., "the blonde man began.


"Miss Brook, I am Stephen Baldwin, I am escorting my prisoner, Jeremy Hawkins, to be tried in a court of law. On our way here, we were caught in a torrential downpour. Our coachman apparently has run off, muttering something about not being paid enough to deal with all this. We have parked our coach at the station and are seeking shelter before we depart for our journey."

"Are you a man of the law?" Sophia inquired

"He's a bounty hunter," the prisoner offered.

"Quiet, don't be spouting your lies, prisoner." His dark powder blue eyes softened as he smiled gently at the ladies. "Please don't be afraid. I have everything under control. Don't be swayed by the rantings of a madman. And, I assure you we will not take advantage of your hospitality. You will be handsomely recompensed."

"What about the prisoner?" Cassandra inquired.

Stephen's weathered face fixed the man with a cold stare. "I suppose you could give him something. Even animals need food and water."

Cassandra saw the captive man assessing her body. "I don't believe I've had the pleasure of meeting you," he offered, with a nod and a pleased smile. The prisoner's white shirt was not buttoned up totally to his neck. Cassandra spied some black hairs peeking out from under the shirt offering the promise of a hair roughened chest. She didn't understand an electric jolt that suddenly assaulted her

"This is C...." Sophia began.

"I'm Cate, the serving girl," she said with a curtsy.

"Well. Cate, then serve me," Jeremy answered.

"How impertinent, "his captor reminded him. "Watch your manners, there are ladies present. You'll have to excuse this beast; he hasn't been around civilized company for a while."

After a silent appraisal of Stephen's hard and handsome face, Sophia beckoned, "Gentlemen, follow me to the dining hall." Sophia and Cassandra led the men into a room painted a soft green. A large landscape painting hung over a white paneled hearth. "You can sit here." Sophia pointed to the dark brown chairs, set in front of a long rosewood table. The men sat down at adjoining chairs. "Cass, I mean Cate, you can sit also."

Cassandra caught the curious glance from the prisoner. "Oh. no. Miss. I'll be serving our guests."

"Yes, of course." Sophia smiled, and focused her glance towards Stephen. "Excuse us, we'll be right back."

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