Chapter 15

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I turned around and saw the guys lining our driveway with their vehicles. As they started to head our way, I turned back to our porch. I heard her open the door, and her and James are standing at the doorway.

I realized that my mom was smiling her beautiful, real smile.

Seeing her smile that smile, made me smile, but a part of me was angry with her.

I was angry because since she hired Blake, she hasn't asked if I was ok, if my day was good, or if I liked any of the decisions that she makes. She has been so busy trying to make herself happy, that she hasn't noticed that I need her more than ever now.

I know that it is selfish of me to think that, but we both lost someone that we had loved.

That thought makes my smile slip, but I push it back onto my face. This is going to be a good night for her, and I won't ruin it.

I feel someone step up beside me, and I instantly know it's Brett. He most likely felt my distress through the mate bond. His hand touches mine, sending chills up my spine. I turn to look at him, and I see his grey eyes sparkle as they stare down at mine.

Staring at him, I suddenly realize that we haven't had a chance to talk about this werewolf\mate thing. I will talk to him, but later when we are alone.

"Kat, hurry. You need to get ready; we have company coming over," my Mom's voice brings us out of our trance. Brett, still holding my hand in his, tugged me up the porch steps.

When we reached the top, I lifted my right arm and took a whiff. Scrunching up my nose, I turn back to my mom and was about to tell her that I am going to head for a shower, but when I turned around, the guys, and mom and James all had plugged their noses and were pointing inside towards the bathroom.

I rolled my eyes and turned to walk into the house, but before I could reach the door frame, Brett pulled me back by our adjourned hands, and did the most unexpected thing he could've done in a place as that.

He kissed me.

I didn't care that we were in front of my mom and all the guys. I put my hands around his neck to pull him closer.

His lips were warm and soft against mine, and they moved with grace across mine. Sparks could be seen across my closed eyelids, and chills crawled up my spine from the spot on my lower back frame where Brett's hand could be found.

Abruptly he pulled away and we were both breathless, and I looked up at him. He grinned down at me, and I couldn't help but smile at his grin.

I laughed at him and looked up at my mom and all the guys. She was grinning excitedly, and the guys started whistling. I felt a blush creep up my cheeks.

I gave Brett a quick kiss and dashed inside before any of them would hound me about what just happened. I sent a silent apology to Brett for leaving him out there to get hounded by my mom. Although now that I think about it, that would be pretty funny to watch.

My mom could be sassy when she wanted to be. Even at the height of 5'6", she could try to put the fear of God in a man. I loved her for that, but when she turned her attitude on me, our attitudes clashed like no ones business.

I headed up to my room, and went straight for my closet. I pulled a black tank top and a pair of grey tights out of my closet. I walked to my bathroom and stripped. My reflection in the mirror looked back at me. I looked at the tattoo on my arm and smiled at it. The red puffiness that was around it had dispersed and now left it smooth on my arm.

When I stepped in the shower, the water cascaded down my shoulder, releasing the tension in my neck and shoulders.

I touched my lips, still feeling the tingling of Brett's kiss. I smiled at the new memory.

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