↣ Chapter 13

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Time is the master of all. It controls everything. How long we live. How long our food is in the oven. How long we are in love.

Time can go by in a flash. Time can drag on forever. Time can corrupt ones very soul.

Tick tock.
Tick tock.
Tick tock.

I stare at the clock feeling the familiar feeling of anger and annoyance bubbling in the pit of my stomach.

I know what I have to do, but I know I'm going to get in big trouble for it. Jayden will be furious. And hurt.

It's been 3 days since I last saw Jayden, so far he has been leaving before I wake up and coming home after I've fallen asleep.

I'm deeply hurt, my wolf feels rejected that he doesn't want to be with us especially after marking us. He has blocked off his mind link completely now, he opens it regularly every so often to check on me.

I've reached the limit now, I can't cope with my wolfs constant whining and my constant chest pain. This is exactly what problems come with a mate, that I frankly didn't want.

I pace the room with my mind reeling over my stupid idea, but I know it'll finally get Jayden's attention.

This is crazy. You're gonna kill yourself.

I groan in annoyance. I have to do this because I can't get hold of him any other way, he has ordered Tate and Derek to stay with me at all times and not allow me to go near him while he is 'working'.

I know he isn't because Tate slipped up the other day and told me he was avoiding me. How was I suppose to try and fix things if he won't let me see him?!

I'm finally starting to admit to myself of the feelings I harbour for him, but it's hard when all I'm starting to feel is anger towards him.

I glance at the open window and step towards it slowly, the gusting breeze bangs the windows against the wall making me jump.

Yet another storm is rolling in so I better do this before the rain starts, I do not want to get hypothermia.

I listen carefully to the activity outside the bathroom door, I hear Tate and Derek steady heart beats from the other side of the door.

I have to be quiet.

I look out the window to see if it is clear which luckily it is, I carefully climb up onto the window frame and perch. I look down and have to gulp down my fear.

It's a 3 story drop from this window to the ground, if I'm lucky I could land with only minor bruising but if something goes wrong I could possibly die.

This is for Jayden and I.

This is stupid.

No, no it's not. Just do it!

I take a deep breath before letting my body fall off the window frame and into the hair. My heartbeat speeds up dramatically as I fall to the ground at a frightening speed.

Within seconds my feet touch the ground, I cry out in pain as my ankle cracks from the harsh contact. I use the tuck and roll move I was taught in training.

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