↣ Chapter 11

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4 hours later...

I wake up in a cold sweat, my heart is racing and my head is pounding. I clutch my head as my mind swirls at the nightmare that I just witnessed.

I can't even remember it now I have awakened, but all I know is it was scary and the fresh tears of my face can prove that. Thunder bangs making me jump.

I look out the window and see the rain bartering against the window. The darkness outside makes the lightning brighten up the room. I love storm season.

I run my hands down my face and try to remember the dream, but it was irretrievable. My wolf cries out for the comfort of her mate in our alarmed state.

I glance towards the door and can hear his heartbeat coming from the room across the hall. Should I go over there?

Another crack of thunder bursts from outside, I instantly jump from my bed. I pad my way out of my bedroom and find myself at Jayden's door.

Do I knock?

My confusion spirals in my mind. I lift my hand to knock then stop, what if he is asleep? I haven't even spoken to him since lock-in myself in my room last night.

I finally decide to just sneak in, it'll save me from having to explain my lost nightmare. I turn the doorknob silently and push it open, I glance in and see Jayden fast asleep on his bed.

He looks so peaceful, his hair is dishevelled and his mouth is slightly open. My eyes can't help but notice that he is shirtless and the thin comforter has fallen to his waist.

Ignoring my wolfs begs to join him, I make my way to the sofa in the corner of the room after shutting the door quietly.

I love the two cushions to one side and lay my head on them. I don't have a blanket so instead I curl into a ball. I close my eyes and breathe in Jayden's scent.

Just as I feel myself surrendering to sleep, a very sleepy husky voice wakes me up.

"Melody?" He asks in confusion as he sits up then turns on the lamp next to his bed. I wince at the brightness.

Another crack of lightning brightens the room, illuminating his gorgeous abs and face. I sigh and slowly sit up.

"What are you doing?" He asks, one second he is on his bed and the next he is crouching in front of me "is something wrong?"

I look into his sleepy ocean eyes trying to figure out how I'm already harbouring feelings for him. His hand reaches up and rests on my cheek.

"Melody please answer." He begs with worry evident in his voice now.

"I got scared." I whisper although I know it made no difference to whether he would hear me or not.

"What scared you, love?" He asks moving impossibly close, I grip his hand in mine feeling the need for his comfort.

"I-I can't remember." I stutter, trying to figure out what frightened me so deeply. Then again I've always been a person with many hidden fears, it's most likely to do with the fact that Jayden wants me to meet thousands of people as future Luna Queen.

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