Eleven - Hold Up!

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 "To show you how to swim, then they throw you in the deep end"

Float, The Neighbourhood

"I have an idea," a malicious smirk grew onto Ivy's lips, her words dripping with a playfully sinister tone. Autumn elbowed her and shot her a wink before turning to me.

"How about we play dare or dare?" Autumn looks at me and smiles bitterly sweet. It's occurred to me that whenever we play dare or dare, I'm the first one to go and then magically after the dare Autumn and Ivy are way too tired to carry on.

"What do I have to loose at this point?" I groaned into my palms. Autumn and Ivy cheered me on. Is anyone else feeling an extreme case of déjà vu?

After awhile of what I assume is "hard thinking"  I've concluded that my dare is probably going to involve the following; Bryan, breaking into someones home, or Conner. Or all of the above. Why you may ask? Because my friends have no mercy.

"We quadruple double dish dare you to fake date someone, and you have to find the person before the end of the week or we will - oh so sadly - be forced to give you a even more reckless dare," Ivy preached as Autumn stands next to her nodding her head to ever word.

"Are you insane?!" My words came out high to the point if it were any higher every dog in the neighborhood would go crazy.

They stood by each other, arms crossed over their chest with a smug smile. Oh a smile I'd love to wipe off.

"Looks like we better get thinking of another dare, hm?" Autumn turned her head towards Ivy. "I believe we do."

"I'm thinking maybe breaking into Disney World or the Italian smoothie challenge?" Autumn giggled and I swear to god I nearly threw up at the thought of chugging down a lasagna and ravioli concoction. 

"No no no! I'll find someone," I muttered the last part. They patted me on the back. "Good luck."



"What's up, buttercup?" Conner tried to slide his arm around my waist but I slapped it away. "Why so mean, queen?" 

"Can you not? Thanks," I continued writing down the notes Mrs.Watson scribbled down onto the white board. Conner progressively threw bits of crumbled up paper at me to get my attention. "What do you want?" His childish acts got on my nerves. 

"A kiss maybe?" He pointed to his cheek but I simply scoffed. "Keep on dreaming."

The bell rung mid-way of my note taking. I quickly gathered up all of my stuff and jet out the door as fast as I could. Usually I would hate getting to gym early, but if it means I'm loosing Conner sooner - by all means I would sprint there.

I scampered through the hallways like a chipmunk. Practically everyone's taller than me so it confuses me whether I have an advantage or not. A hand clutched my wrist and tightened the grip, limiting my ability to get the heck out of these crowded hallways.

I didn't bother turning around to see the mystery person. I twisted my hand to the right, then the left and the grip was released. 

That Law and Justice class really did come in handy - didn't it?

A sigh of relief escaped my lips as the locker room door greeted me. There was barely anyone there considering I got there sooner than usual. 



After changing into the only pair of "sporty clothes" I own, I walked towards the bleachers. Ivy was still in the hallways I assume. She has french and that's literally across the entire school yet the coaches never dismiss her tardies. 

"Hey pudding," Conner literally slid onto the bleacher and bumped into me with a wink. "Leave me alone, oh my Lord." He followed me each bleacher I went higher. 

"Jade!" My head turned to where the voice came from. Fabulous -- Jenna.

Great! Marvelous! Absolutely splendid! 

Sarcasm at it's finest.

"Hi," I said in the most unwelcoming voice. Though, she probably knows that I don't particularly enjoy her presence. "It's so weird! Just a few days ago you were cozying up to Bryan! And don't forget the week before when you were with Ashton. Now you've found yet another guy. I must ask how do you find so many men to fall for you with your - ahem - less than average appearance?" 


Less than average appearance, thanks.

"You're one to speak! All those girls who trail behind you kissing the land you walk on, it really makes me question your sexuality," There really is nothing wrong with being LGBT+ but you could tell that Jenna is one of those people who'd get pissed if someone asked them if they were to question who she likes.

She completely ignored my statement and cooed at Conner. "Hi, I'm Jenna" she gushed and began to curl her hair around her index finger.

I'm sorry I didn't realize we were in middle school?

"Sorry sweet cheeks, I'm taken." Her eyes narrowed at him but she quickly regained herself.

"Whose the lucky girl?" A smirk played on her lips as she gazed into his eyes. 

"Jade of course!"


"Excuse me, what?" Conner kicked my leg signalling for me to play along. I put on a weak smile and interlocked my hands with his.

"Oh, I see." Jenna looked down disappointed but we all know what game she's playing. For what I know she's a bigger player than Conner!

"Well see you around then," she slipped a piece of paper into Conner's hand and winked at him before swaying towards her friend. 

It's sad that I wouldn't be surprised if I found out her pocket was full of copies of her phone number.

"The nerve of this girl I swear," Conner muttered under his breath and crumpled the paper.

"You're one to talk! And besides if we have her number we can have some fun," I smirked and rubbed my hands together. He flicked the paper back at me. 

"Do what you want but I for one do not wanna get with her," He playfully shuddered.

"Jade!" Ivy cried, mind you - in front of the whole gym. My cheeks flushed up. "You never told me you were dating Conner!"

I swear, gossip around here spreads faster than the speed of light.


Hey everybody! Hope you enjoyed this chapter of DOD! If you did don't forget to vote, comment and share. 

Sorry for taking so long to update - lots of things have beengoing on and not to mention Writer's Block.


Also can I just say the first part of DOD got to 1K reads? Excuse me, I did not allow any of you to be so amazing. Gosh, you're making me look bad!

Heh okay bye!



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