One - A Dare Devil Dare From The Devils

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Meet Jade Williams. Your average girl in every single way. She uses her weekends to binge watch on Netflix and takes her time binge snacking. In no way she would be considered perfect. Yes, sometimes she is picked on every now and then but nothing to extreme. Well despite the fact she has a crush on the most unexpected person. Bryan Jones, the schools bad-boy. He's basically a emotionless, fit brick dressed up in leather. Just your typical bad boy, right?


"We said whoever eats the most pizza has to do the dare no matter how cruel or easy it is." This is just a glimpse of our sleepovers. Ivy and Autumn always drag me into some kind of trap to do their evil dares. Tonight they used my worst weakness, food.

Sighing, "fine. I'll take the dare." They cheered and high-fived as I stood in front of them, glaring.

"Better not be something bad!" I blurted, making them snap out of their cheering. They looked at me with a sinister smirk. The smirk where you know their up to something. Something bad.

"Ohhhh, we would never do something like that to you!" Ivy gushed. Oh yeah, you would. My mind raced with silly thoughts of what they could do but it eventually calmed down when I realised it was twelve in the morning, what can they actually make me do?

"It's just something teeny!" Autumn chirped like a valley girl.

"Okay just tell me what hell you've decided to put me through!" I snapped at them making them grin just like the grinch.

"We triple-dog dare you to break into Bryan Jones room." Ivy smiled like it was nothing. Seriously? I could be charged for breaking and entering! Possibly, because that's what their making me do.

"Oh no no no!" I stuttered. "What if I find something I don't want to find in there?"

"Are you passing? After all these years, we'd think you'd continue your little streak!" Autumn and Ivy let out synchronized disappointed sighs and shot me their puppy eyes.

"Fine!" Did I just agree to something that I could get arrested for? Yes, because I'm Jade Williams and my pride and titles come before anything in dares. Sometimes I wish I never agreed to do the dare that first day we started playing. It still gives me nightmares. Ivy and Autumn told me to go into the middle of our koldasak and scream, mind you in the middle of the night, the lyrics to "Baby" by Justin Bieber. As you could imagine, I was grounded for a very long time.

"Fabulous! I'm glad our number one dare devil didn't try to slip away to the number one dare devil dare!" Autumn rambled.

"A devil dare made by Devils." I smirked at them. Ivy clutched her heart as if she was heartbroken and Autumn gasped.

"At least tell me you have his address?" I joked.

"We have everything under cover. You just break in, got it?" My throat went dry. How the hell do they know his address? I know friends get information about their friends crushes but information like where he lives?

"You guys are on the psycho level of crazy."

"That doesn't dismiss you! You're the one who decides to be best friends with us." Ivy argued. She does actually have a point, I've been friends with these nincompoops for as long as I remember. They're basically my sisters.

"True. Let's just go then." I grabbed the keys and opened the door leading us to the cover porch. We raced down the stairs and climbed into Ivy's Kia Soul. I shuffled into the back and kept on telling myself that he'd be asleep.



Before I knew, we had arrived. Ivy parked at the swimming pool and said that his house was the fifth one down.

"You know I'm super unfit!" I whispered frantically.

"Just go!" She quietly hissed back. She threw me a crowbar which I surprisingly caught with ease. They climbed out of the car.

"Are you guys coming?"

"To record the whole thing!" Autumn grinned. Great just great.

Jogging took me about three minutes to get to his house. It wasn't easy to tell if he was awake or not because one, I didn't know where his room is and two, the blinds were down blocking any light that would try to seep it's way through.

"I'm not gonna break through the front door, I'll just try to climb to the window or something." Catching my breath, I jumped onto the house wall and gripped onto the bricks as well as I could.

"Don't worry, we'll catch you!" Ivy giggled.

"So reassuring." I rolled my eyes sarcastically. Soon, I caught onto the rim of the window and tried unlocking it. The latch flew off and hit the mailbox making a huge ding. After violently whispering profanity under my breath I slid open the window. From what I could make out, the walls were pink with princess decals spread across the walls with a pink bed. Quietly, nearly silently I crept across the room and slowly opened the door.

As I made myself down the hallway I noticed a door covered in a bunch of band posters. 5SOS, Arctic Monkeys, Fall Out Boy, TØP, P!ATD, and The Neighbourhood. And that's just to name a few. Let me tell you, it was extremely hard not to steal all those posters and run out the window squealing.

After contemplating whether I should do this or not, I decided I'll just do it. Why? Because my personality is the same as a intoxicated person. I slowly opened the door and panic flood through my veins when the light seeped into the hallway.

Dear lord, please forgive me for I have sinned greatly and I would really appreciate it if I didn't die tonight. Thank you.

Thank the Lord for headphones. He laid in bed on his laptop with his headphones plugged in. I slithered to the floor like a damn snake and scanned the floor for something I could "retrieve". At the speed of a snail, I slightly stood up to grab a blue guitar pick when a heavy voice yelled at me. Shit.

"What the hell are you doing?!" Bryan's somewhat pale face turned blood red instantly. I'm pretty sure mine did too.

Hey everybody! I hope you enjoyed the very very first chapter of "Dare or Dare?" !  I finished this within a school day instead of paying attention so I missed a lot of information oh well, it's happened and done.

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