Chapt. 6) Feels

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~Elena's POV~
It was dark and soundless. There was a coldness, a sickening feeling in which I could discover nothing to lighten the weight I felt.

After I was rejected and had my breakdown I assume I fell asleep. I feel nothing but weight and sadness. It's told that if you are rejected by your mate then you go into deep depression and potentially die.

I could get over him but knowing I'm in this shit hole doesn't help. I need air, food, a shower, something! I can't live like this any longer so, I decided to remind them that I was still here by screaming.

I screamed for about 30 seconds until a man came running over to my cage.

"What's wrong? What's wrong?" The man asked, he even had an accent. An Italian accent.

He looked as if he was an Alpha? or a Beta? He had authority radiating off of him.

May I add that he's a extra cute too. Brown messy hair, olive skin, green eyes, and very muscular. And that accent though. Pure perfection.

I just kept wondering why he was down here without Alpha Vincent.

"Can I have some food or something? I haven't eaten in forever." I sighed.

"I'll ask the Alph-"

"No please don't. He'll say no. Can you please just give me food without him knowing!" I pleaded to the man knowing if he told Vincent that I would get a beating or something again. I don't want that.

He stares at me for a good 10 seconds before sighing. "I'll see what I can do but, no promises."

"Oh my god thank you so much. I owe you..." I was almost crying at this point. "What's your name if you don't mind me asking?"

"My name is Alpha Abel Rowe. And you?"

"El-Elena. You're an Al-Alpha? Why are you helping me? Don't Alphas stick together or something ?" I asked.

I don't know why I stuttered, it's only when I'm nervous? Why am I so nervous?

"Yes I'm an Alpha, some Alphas stick together and also I'm going to see what I can do for you Elena. I may be the Alpha's guest but I don't agree with him doing this to you, being his mate and all." Abel said chuckling and face palming.

"Actually he rejected me already so I guess I'm just a 'rogue' to him now. But thank you so much ." I said smiling with tears in my eyes.

It hurts actually talking about being rejected, a pain I've never felt before.

He looked at me with such pain and sympathy but I didn't need his sympathy. I needed food.

Nobody has been this nice to me since I've been here other than my brother. I wouldn't consider that being nice to me though. He did kinda hit me, love me and then sent me back down here. Such an amazing brother I have!

I realized I was in my thoughts when I noticed that Alpha Abel was gone from my cage. I didn't even hear him leave.

I felt my anxiety start to come back. I didn't understand why I felt so calm and safe when he was here. It felt good to feel safe for once since being down here .

I just want Abel to come back so the feeling will never go away and also my food of course.


It's been around an hour and I still haven't gotten any food yet. Ugh. Where was Abel... wait. Why do I care so much about where Abel is? I don't even know him. Oh yeah that's right, he has my freaking food!

Eventually I heard footsteps coming closer and honestly I was scared for my life.

It could be 1 of 3 people. Vincent, Matt or Abel.

To my surprise it was Abel. Thank goddess! I've never been so happy to see someone in my life.

"Elena I got you a small tray of food. I know it's not a lot but it's some for now. I'll be staying for a few more days and I'll try to bring you something everyday." He said with a concerned look.

"Thank you so much Abel it means a lot." I said with a smile.

"I also was able to get a key to this cell but shh don't tell anyone." He laughed placing his index finger over his lips.

"Oh maybe I should tell of my wonderful friends down here." I said sarcastically.

He looked at me and laughed.

His laugh honestly brightened my day and it actually made me laugh too. I haven't laughed in awhile. I'm just now noticing this.

I watched as Abel looked around before unlocking my cage. He stepped in and walked towards me but as soon as he came near I started to feel my heartbeat increase. Was he going to hurt me? How can I trust him so easily?

He seemed to notice me panicking and walked towards me. He set the food in front of me and sat in front of me on the disgusting sticky floor.

"Elena I'm not going to hurt you. I want you to trust me. I know what you're going through with the whole rejection from someone thing... I just want you to know that I'm here for you, for the next few days okay?"

I nodded and tried to eat my food but the chain on my arm wouldn't let me reach it. I swear to goddess I am so annoyed. Why. Me. Why. Me. Why. Me.

I was about to face plant into the food because I saw no other way to eat it but Abel noticed and decided that he should feed me instead.

He grabbed the fork and started too feed me random things on the tray.
I was so freaking happy. I haven't eaten in so long and having food in my stomach really helped my mood lighten a little.

I felt a moan escape my lips as I was chewing the food. Oops.

I couldn't help but stare at Abel the whole time as he fed me, his beautiful smile really gave me some hope. I started to cry.

I broke down. This should be my mate feeding me on a date while laughing or some cliche shit. He should be sitting here telling me to trust him but no. Abel is doing all of this.

I was pulled out of my thoughts when I felt a burst of tingles all over me. I blinked away my blinding tears and saw that Abel was hugging me. How can this be happening? I thought tingles were only for mates. Does Abel feel the tingles? I thought Vincent was my mate? He rejected me though.

Abel pulled back and tilted my head up so that I was looking straight into his hypnotizing green orbs.

"Io sono tuo. Tu sei mia."
(I am yours, you are mine)

does this mean... oh my goddess... I get another chance.

Yes, Abel is Italian and so is Elena which is why she understood it. Also more updates will come soon. 🖤

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