Chapter: 13

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Jessica's P.O.V.

I woke up and checked my phone. It was 11 in the morning. I rolled on the other side and could only see Jade and Maddie still baby sleeping. I want to wake them up so bad. I stood up quietly and left my room for the horn which was in Matthew's bedroom. He would kill me if I woke him up. I walked in and he is baby sleeping too. I took the horn was about to leave when. "You have 5 seconds to get out" He said firmly not opening his eyes. "Okay Okay geez" I raised my hands up in surrender and walked out. He can be such an ^ss sometimes.

I walked into my room and I clicked the horn as they both screamed in fear and Maddie fell off my bed. I just looked at them and smirked. "What the hell?!" Jade yelled and hit me with a pillow. Still on the floor. "Welcome to Johnson's Motel" I said and clicked the horn turning round and round dancing. "That's so mean!" Maddie fake cried. I laughed and clicked the horn again. They both screamed. 

"JESSICA WHAT THE F^CK IS WRONG WITH YOU?!" I heard Liam yell from his room. "MANY THINGS!" I screamed back. I heard loud groans coming out from my brother's bedrooms. I rolled my eyes. "I want to get Starbucks" I said. "I'm in" They both said in sync while standing up. "Be right back I'm going to tell Scott" I said and left my bedroom. "Why do I feel like we are such basic white girls sometimes" Jade said to Maddie thoughtfully. "Because we are" Maddie said in the same tone.

I entered Scott's bedroom and SURPRISE SURPRISE! He's also baby sleeping. I fake coughed to get his attention. He groaned. "Scott" I said. "Scott? Scott. Scott!" I yelled the last part. But he didn't even open his eyes. "Okay fine just wondering if I can go get a tattoo after smoking" I smirked. "What?" He asked strictly opening his eyes. I laughed. "I said we are going to Starbucks" I said. "Then go!" He said and pointed to the door. "Feeling the love" I rolled my eyes and left. "Let's go" I popped my head into my room to tell Jade and Maddie.

"So what did Carter say?" Maddie asked while we were walking to Starbucks. "Ugh" I said and hit her arm playfully. "What? I like romantic stuff" She said. "Nothing. He gave me a photo frame with our picture in it, *insert awww from Jade and Maddie* and said that He understands me and everything is fine" I said. "BORING!" Jade yelled in a weird voice. "Oh and did I mentioned that he asked me to be his girlfriend?" I said. "Oh my god!" They screamed and started squealing and jumping. "It's so cute!" Maddie said. 

We laughed and saw guess who? Ugh, Veronica with her minions. "Holy!" I whisper yelled. They both rolled their eyes. "Okay, we know we can't be nice to each other but could we at least try to ignore them" Maddie said trying to cut the situation. "No promises" Jade said and we nodded. "But first tell them it's Starbucks not a Strip Club" I whispered as we walked in. They chuckled and we stood in the queue.

They were right in front of us! For what! Their Butts half revealed, crop tops and red lipstick. They ordered and turned around. I fake smiled and they smirked. She was holding 3 vanilla Capuccinos or I don't know whatever you call them. "Hey Jessie. Happy birthday! I'd text you If I cared... but I don't give a crap about miserable creatures" She fake smiled and her minions laughed along with her. I fake smiled. 

"Wow it's sad that you don't give a crap about yourself. *insert Ooow from Jade and Maddie* Have you ever thought of becoming a clown? I think you are talented in scaring children. Especially in those skirt. They will laugh when they will see your butt" I said smiling. Jade and Maddie laughed. They stood silent. "No comeback? That's what I thought! How is the taste of your own medicine? Right, awful" I said and headed to order but...

"You know what? You are right" Veronica said. "What?" Jade said and Maddie hit her arm. I gave her a confused look. "I don't even know why do I compete with you! I mean you are smart. You have 3 hot brothers and you have many friends. And a house with a pool" She said. I gave her a confused look. 

"Do you even realize what you just said?" Melanie asked her. "Is that really what you wanted to say?" Amanda asked. "Yes! She has everything but you know what is sad?" She asked. Her minions smirked. "You know what's sad? That she lives with her older brothers. With a sl^t single mom. And FYI your father would leave you family anyway " She said. Her minions laughed along with her. That really hurt me. Tears filled my eyes. "Shut up you don't know how it feels" Jade yelled at her while Maddie hugged me from behind. I put her hands off me. "Believe me I don't care" She said smirking like a b^tch and left with her minions.

I shook my head and ran out. They tried to stop me but failed. I ran home and slammed the door. "Hey what's up?" Matt asked sitting on the couch. I didn't respond and ran upstairs. I bumped into Scott but still ran into my room. I locked the door. I couldn't stop crying. What did I do to her?! Why does she have to be so mean! It was so insensitive. 

I laid on the floor and took a photo frame with a photo of me and my dad in it. "I wish you didn't leave me like this" I sobbed and hugged the frame. Someone knocked on the door. "Open it" Scott said. "You don't know anything just leave me alone!" I said. "Jade and Maddie told me now let me in" He said. "Please leave me-" I was cut off. "I said open it!" He said firmly this time. I sighed and opened the door. He came in and sat next to me on my bed. I put my head on his shoulder. We chatted for a few minutes. "Listen. I know many things changed. And might change but sometimes we just have to deal with that. No matter what. We will be here for you. Always" He said as he pulled me closer and kissed my forehead. "Thanks" I said and he wiped my tear away. We chatted a little more and he left.

Later that night I was texting Carter for hours. He knew what happened. How is he so perfect? How?

*The next day

I woke up and I feel weird. I looked at my bed. Half of my bed is red! That time of the month. Sweet. "I hate this" I yelled my lungs out. "You okay?" Liam rushed into my room and I quickly covered blood with blankets. "I'm fine I just hit my pinkie toe" I said and fake groaned. "Okay" He said and left. He was so sleepy he didn't even check. My brothers will never know that I started my period. At least before I turn 16. I started it when I was 11.  I got my pads and changed everything. I walked downstairs and sat on the couch. I saw the letter on the table. I opened it. It said, 'Jess we are out of groceries we'll be back in 2 hours you are home alone. Scott'

"If you say so" I mumbled and turned on the TV. Wait I'm home. Alone. I started to watch an R rated movie. I wasn't allowed to watch it but no one will know! 

I was in the middle of the movie. A lot of inappropriate jokes here and there but it's fine. Matthew came in and saw me watching the movie. "Jessica what are you watching?" He said. "A movie? Duh" I said. "An R rated movie?! Seriously?!" Liam said walking in along with Scott. "You know you are not allowed to watch those stuff!" Scott yelled. "Oh god, there are not any sex scenes just some words and jokes it's fine" I said back. 

"Shut up" Matt said. "You shut up, there's only 1 year difference between us" I said. "Remote!" Scott said. "Please I'm gonna die from interest!" I pleaded. "I think I can live with that" He said as he snatched the remote from my hand. "Ugh" I said loudly and stood up.

I noticed red dots on the couch. Dang it! I sat back immediately. I hear my phone ring from upstairs but I didn't move. It has been going for 2 minutes. "Aren't you going to answer it?" Liam asked. "Um... I better stay here" I said. Matthew came and tried to get me up holding my wrist. "No stop" I said struggling. Scott smirked. "Do you have something to tell us?" He said trying not to laugh. They noticed the red dots on the couch. "Nope" I said popping 'P'. "That time of the month?" Liam asked smirking. "Yes" I mumbled. "I'm sorry what?" Matthew asked. Like he didn't know! "GOD DAMMIT I AM ON MY PERIOD. Oh and by the way I started it when I was 11" I said. They burst out of laughing. 

"Well since you know now. It's my first day so stay the f back I get very annoyed and am as dangerous as a gang leader. And I know where your rooms are" I threatened them and they visibly gulped. That's what I thought. I rolled my eyes and left to my room after cleaning the couch.

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