Chapter 22.

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Recap: They kissed in the last chapter when Zayn visited Maire.

Can you guys nominate the book in the fanfiction awards if you haven't already? Today is the last day. Thanks


"Um, is this Maire?" I hear a feminine voice from the other line of the call.

"Yes, who is this?" I mumble in a sleepy voice as I stare back at Zayn's number calling me at three in the morning.

"I'm Ashley, I..uh, found your last dialled number on Zayn's phone. He is drunk and isn't telling me his address, we're outside a club," she pauses and I quickly jump out of my bed, taking in everything she just told me.

What is he doing in a club, drunk at three in the morning on a weekday being underage as well?

"And he got in a fight as well, can you come and pick him up?" She asks me and I feel my breathing fastening as I begin to panick.

I don't even have a car! How am I supposed to get to him without a car at this time? Hearing her mention a fight, it gets me more worried and not even thinking twice, I note down the address of the club and hung up the call, taking a deep breathe as I sneak into Tyler's room. I spot his snoring body sprawled all over the bed as he seems to be in a deep sleep. Trying to be as quiet as possible, I hold back my breath and walk on my toes towards his bedside drawer. I keep glancing at him to see any chances of being caught. I find his car keys placed on his bedside drawer as I pick them up and turn around to leave but Tyler tosses and turns on his bed facing me, making me quickly drop to the ground and hide myself beside his drawer. I curse under my breath and tilt my head to look over at him.

Please tell me he didn't see me.

Thankfully he is still deep asleep, making me sigh and I quickly get up from the ground and begin to run away when I stop dead in my tracks when I hear my name being called out from behind.

Oh, crap.

"Maire," Tyler speaks and I squeez my eyes shut, biting my bottom lip as I freeze on the spot. My heart feels like it is going to burst due to the rapid beating.

"Do my homework, yo!" Tyler says from behind, causing my eyebrows to knitt together in confusion as I slowly turn around to look over at him to find him sleep talking.

I have never felt so relieved in my life before. I give out a deep sigh and quickly exit his room, making my way out of the house, being as quiet and careful as I can.

I quickly get in Tyler's car, as I put in the directions of the club in the GPS of his car. I am so relieved that they didn't catch me sneaking out of the house and stealing Tyler's car keys.

Following the directions of the GPS I reach the club in fifteen minutes due to my abnormal fast driving, although the club is at the distance of half an hour from my place.

"What the hell were you thinking of doing, huh?!" I scold Zayn as soon as I get out of the drivers seat and approach him and a young girl with auburn hair who looks in her early twenties I may say. She is dressed in a black fitted dress reaching her knees as she struggles to hold Zayn's drunk and almost passed out body by her side.

He lifts up his head, his hazel eyes now a darker shade which meets my dark brown ones and I almost feel my knees getting weak by his intense gaze. I tear our gazes and my eyes travel to his bleeding nose and cut lips.

"What are you doing 'ere?" He slurs on his words as he tries to balance himself but almost falls. I quickly get by his side, catching him and place his arms around my shoulder.

Our Modern Fairytale (ZM) [COMPLETED]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora