Chapter 2

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I walked the rest of the way back in complete silence, blocking out the scenery around me, paying no mind to where I was going. It was like I was in a trance. My feet guided me the rest of the way while my mind pondered over the mysteries I had yet to unravel. I wanted this to be my mission. Not mine and Seth's; just mine. I won't tell Seth of any of this until I figure the time is right. Whenever the 'right time' to tell my brother I don't want his help is.

Before I knew it, I was approaching the doorway. I slipped in, careful not to make too much noise. Walking over to the kitchen, I heard shuffling come from upstairs.


He descended the staircase, his hair wet, making his usual light-brown hair appear darker. He had on a blue business-type garment and wore a black tie.

"You're up?" He asked.

"Been up," I answered briskly. "What's with the suit?"

He ran his fingers through his disheveled hair, the water dripping in a frenzy.

"I am going somewhere today," he beamed. "Whereas you are going to stay here. I have other plans for you." I rolled my eyes and bit my lower lip to keep from pouting. Here we go again.

"And they are?" I couldn't help but add venom into my words.

"Get dressed. I'll explain after."

"I am dressed."

"Yes, Rin, I can see that." He nudged me on the shoulder. "But not appropriately."

"There's no way in hell you're making me put on a dress," I snapped.

A small chuckle rumbled in his chest. "Not a dress, Rin." Snatching a set of clothes from the far side of the counter, Seth tossed them over to me.

"This," he gestured to the heap of clothes, "is what you're going to wear."

I laid them out across the table and inspected the new apparel with judging eyes. Displayed before me were heavily worn leather pants, thick-heeled boots, and a close-cut tunic of black linen. Instead of wanting to make up some dramatic story on how I lost the elegant attire, I actually kinda liked it.

"Not bad." I flashed a grin at him.

"Hurry now; you have fifteen minutes."

I dashed upstairs, slamming my door shut when I entered my room. I wriggled out of the clothes I had on and into the new ones. I stared at my reflection in the mirror, braiding my inky black hair to the side. My icy green eyes sparkled from the sunrise spilling in through the window. When I roughly decided I looked appealing enough, I met Seth in the living room. He eyed me up and down, a more serious look hardening his features.

Something gleamed in his hands as he held it out to me.

"A sword?"

"A rapier," Seth corrected.

"What's the difference?" I shot back, but even as I said it, I already knew.

Tight coils of sharp steel wrapped around the hilt, blossoming out just above it, creating a unique spiral pattern. It was a more broad looking rapier like the ones used in approximately the 16th and 17th centuries. As Seth rambled on about how to distinguish it from a normal sword, I thought about how useful it would've been two hours ago. I've watched enough sword-fight movies to know how to use one, so I could've killed that shadowy figure right then and there. This--whatever it may be--would have all been over.

"Okay?" The tone of Seth's voice brought me back to reality.

Without knowing what I was agreeing to, I nodded.

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