Can't Win For Losing

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"Up here you will find a master bedroom to your left, it has a bathroom connected." I said leading a man into a big beautiful bedroom.

"This shit is nice." He said rubbing his hands together.

"It is." I said holding my clipboard with my hands.

"How much did you say it was?"


He rubbed the bottom of his chin. "You know what? I want something smaller. I don't wanna' be in this big ass house all by myself." He said sighing.

"You don't have a girlfriend?" I asked just wondering.

"Nah. All these females hoes." I laughed.

By him saying that statement automatically told me he was young as hell.

"How about you? You look my age." He smirk.

I did a little laugh and pushed my hair out of my face. "What's your name again?"


"Well Ben, if you must know I am young and I'm also married." I smiled and showed him my ring.

He nodded and laughed. "Okay, okay. I hope ya' man treating you right. You seem like something special."

I sighed thinking about Ace. At the moment I'm not treating him right. I think it's time to forgive him.

After showing Ben another house the time became 5pm. Which was the time that I get off. I told him I would set up another display showing for some more houses tomorrow then made my way home.

As I stepped out of my vehicle I saw Ginger across the street taking out her trash.

"Hey Ginger." I smiled and waved.

"Hi." She said and quickly walked back inside. That was odd for her because usually she would of had a whole conversation with me. I guess she's not in the mood.

I got out my key ready to see a nasty and messy house waiting to be cleaned. When I unlocked the door, surprisingly, the house was clean!

"Hey baby." Ace said. I saw him over at the kitchen sink feeding Lexi some ramen noodles.

"Um hey." I said still shocked that the house was clean and that he washed the dishes for a change.

He kissed my cheek. "How was work?"

"Good. Are you sick or something? You on pills?"

"Why do you asked that?"

"Because you cleaned."

He chuckled. "I just didn't want you to come home to a messy house."

"Mhm yea yea. You just want me to forgive you."

He sighed and looked down feeling ashamed.

"But I do." I said making him lift his head and a smile appeared.

I put my purse on the counter. "I know that you didn't know that was my mother. I also know that you are very sorry, and I forgive you." I said smiling.

He pulled my waist closer to him and kissed my lips.





When I woke up this morning I had very bad morning sickness.

I got off my knees and flushed my dinner from last night down the toilet.

"Baby you okay?" Ace asked rubbing my back.

"No." I mumbled getting back into the bed.

Ace handed me a sprite.

"Thanks." I said sitting it on my night stand. I picked up my phone and dialed my manager Vicky.

"Hello?" She answered.

"Vick. I'm not gonna' be able to make into work today."

"Aww. The baby got you sick?"

"Yea." I said wanting to cry.

"Okay girl. You can have today off."

"Thanks." I said and hung up my phone.

I got out the bed and went to find Ace. He was downstairs cooking me some chicken noodle soup.

"Aww babe." I smiled.

"Why aren't you getting dressed for work?" He asked confused.

"I took off today."

"Great." He said bending down about to kiss me until the front door opened and pepper walked in.

"Aww yall made up. So cute." She said.

"The hell you coming in my house like that for?" Ace asked her.

"Sorry to ruin yall lil' moment, but Ace we got some business to handle."

He sighed then looked at me.

"Go ahead and go."

"You sure?"

"Yea. I'll be fine." I reassured him.

"Okay love you."

"I love you too." I smiled and watched as he walked out the door with Pepper.

I grabbed my soup off the stove and poured it into a big bowl. I just getting ready to sit on the couch and watch Netflix until I heard Lexi jumping down the steps.

"Hey mommy!"

I sighed. "So much for resting."



"Luke get in this house! It's starting to rain!" I yelled at him.

He dropped his bike in the grass and ran inside the house getting mud all over my clean floor.

I ran my hands threw my hair angrily.

"Go sit yo' ass down." I told him.

He laughed and kicked off his shoes.

I heard something shatter. I turned around and saw Lexi had knocked a flower pot over.

"Oops. Sorry mommy." She giggled and ran away.

I took a deep breath.

"Call down Lauren." I said picking up little pieces of glass that was all over the floor.

The front door opened and Pepper, Tae, Darwin, and Abby walked inside.

"Hey Lo-Lo." Abby said smiling.

"Hey yall." I said putting the glass in the trash can. "Where's Ace?" I asked them grabbing a mop and started mopping up the mud Luke had tracked into the house.

They all looked at each other.

I stopped mopping and looked at them.

"What? What happened?" I asked.

"Umm, boo." Pepper said walking over to me.

"Ace got arrested."

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