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"Daddy. I'm hungry."

I opened my eyes and saw Lexi standing over me.

"Girl it is too early." I said rolling over to look at the clock. It was 9 am.

"Please daddy."

"What do you want to eat?" I asked.

"IHOP!" She yelled jumping up and down on my bed causing me to shake.

I sighed not wanting to get out the bed because I was tired as hell.

"Please. Please. Please. Pease." She said in between jumps.

"Okay baby girl." I got out of bed and slipped on some joggers and a plain white T-shirt.

I walked down the hall to Luke's room. "Aye son wake up." I knocked on his wall making him open his eyes.

I went into Alexis' room to look for her something to wear.

"What do you want to wear?" I asked her.

"Mickey mouse!" She yelled and pointed to her Halloween costume from last year.

"Nah that's for Halloween."

"I want to wear it!" She yelled and grabbed it off the hanger.

I'm not about to sit here and argue back and forth with a two year old so I let her ass wear it.

When I saw Luke was dressed and ready I grabbed my keys and we headed outside.

"You look ridiculous." I said to Lexi.

" I said to Lexi

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She laughed. I opened the backdoor for her and Luke.

"Get in your car seat Lexi."

"Noooo." She said trying to crawl to the front seat.

I ran my hand down my dace frustrated as hell.

"Hey neighbor!" I heard someone yell.

I turned around and saw a chick standing next door waving her arms at me.

"Wassup." I said buckling Lexi in. "Don't you get out either!" I fussed at her.

Next thing I know this bitch walked over here. "Hi welcome to the neighborhood. I'm Debbie." She said sticking her hand out for me to shake.

I stuck my hands in my pocket causing her to put her hand down.

"Oh okay. I see your not the friendly type." She said smiling. "Mind if I get your name? I like to know who everyone is in the neighborhood."

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