Chapter 27

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I smiled as Kieran began kissing my neck, the warm feeling his lips alone brought me had me shutting my eyes as I relished in it. It's been three months since our engagement and the wedding was in two days.

We were finally alone. Every has been coming through to see the baby, or congratulate us on our engagement, and I'm really thankful, but it always seems like we're constantly buzzing like bees in a hive, always working and never resting.

Willow is currently out with all of her grandparents who took her to the local library because our little Willow has taken a real interest in books much to our surprise because she is so young, but when you read to her , her eyes get big and she just looks at you, listening so closely and I know she understands more than we give her credit for.

I moaned softly as Kieran's lips brought me back to reality, pulling me from my thoughts as his lips found his claim on my neck and he began slowly teasing me.

He pulled away momentarily as he lifted my shirt over my head.

I grinned and flipped us over, straddling his hips as I began kissing his neck and across his jaw.

I kissed his lips softly, letting my hands roam up his taught abdomen and up his chest as I took his shirt off and tossed it behind me.

I let my hands wander back down Kieran's abdomen, finding the hem of his pants as I kissed him.

I unbuttoned them slowly, growling when I heard someone's deep chuckle and curse.

"Don't let us stop you sweetheart, I was kind of hoping for a show."

I looked into Kieran's frustrated eyes as one of Caleb and Kieran's "friends" came through. Caleb and Ezra, and pretty much every other male you could think of came through the back door.

His name was Jacob. He was a real pig sometimes, and I knew Kieran wanted to kill him, because I wanted to choke him the life out of him at times. He was rude and annoying and had no boundaries with his words.

I ignored him, leaning forward and wrapping my arms around Kieran's neck as I kissed him again and Kieran knew exactly what I was doing too as he placed both his hands under my thighs and moved them up across my butt slowly and up the curve of my back, stopping at my waist as he lifted me and I pulled away slowly as he placed me on the ground. I stood strongly in nothing but my bra and jeans as I turned, picking my tee of the ground and placing it over my head as I casually walked toward the kitchen, grabbing a bottle of water.

"I'm going to go shower." I said smiling.

I showered quickly, coming out into the living room to see a dark haired woman with her arms snaked around Kieran's neck in an overzealous embrace, and him struggling to yank her off.

Kieran had morals that he would never harm a woman who wasn't a threat, but I sure as hell had no problem doing it.

What I also didn't understand was who she was and why the hell everyone was just watching Kieran struggle with the bitch.

I growled, letting my wolf show her self through my eyes and teeth as I bared my canines, but I would not initiate the fight.

"Excuse me, Who the fuck are you? Get the hell off my man." I said loud enough that the room immediately silenced.

Kieran finally managed to rid of her and his eyes looked relieved, and he stepped back as she snaked her head around, trying to find a face to match the voice she heard.

"So you're Charlotte. You're not as pretty as I thought you'd be, in order to get Kieran here. I've been trying for years." She hissed.

"And by the looks of it you still are. Why?" I asked grinning as I edged toward her slowly, the tension in the room building as she did the same. 

"Just wanted to have a little fun. I can't help it, have you seen him, he looks like a Greek god. That body, imagine the taste, ooh imagine the size of his co-

"Oh honey, you must not understand me. Allow me to clarify. I am his mate. I don't have to imagine anything.  I know exactly what its like. How it looks, how he taste and feels. Now you can fantasize all you want but at the end of the day he is mine. Touch him again and I will rip the hair right from that delusional head of yours." I said and winked at her stunned face.

She had no idea what to say, but Kieran coughed as he stifled his laughter.

I could see anger boiling in the girls eyes as she stared at me because I had embarrassed her, something I assumed she wasn't use to because she made the stupid mistake of lunging at me, but she was quickly intercepted by Kieran who had gripped her by the arm and shoved her back, hard enough for her to know not to try it again, but not hard enough to hurt her, sadly.

"You lay a hand on her, you automatically become my enemy. It is automatically personal and I will kill you myself." Kieran growled.

I watched as she downcast her gaze and then backed away slowly in fear before full on sprinting out the house.

I was just about to speak when Leah and Alina ran in, eyes huge and telling as they grinned at me.

I was letting them plan the wedding and to say they were thrilled was an understatement.

I squealed with excitement as Katrina came in with Solomon, her warm brown eyes lighting up as she came in and hugged us.

They were currently in the process of planning my bachelorette party. If you could even call it that.

The girls were having a movie night in and pizza tonight, whereas the guys were going to camp out in the yard and share in the pizza too.

All I knew, was that some drinking was going to be involved, and Alina and Leah had already been stirring the pot with the men, and I knew that an all out war was brewing and no one would be sleeping tonight.

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