Chapter 12

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I jumped as I poured milk into my cereal, Alina's sudden movement startling me as she came bursting through the door. I had been so use to the quiet house and being alone that her abruptness left my heart beating quickly.

"He's here." She said. I knew exactly who she meant.

After twenty-three days, eight hours and thirteen minutes later, Kieran was here.

I couldn't even fathom that it was possible to miss someone as much as I missed him. I could barely eat the first two weeks he left, and the only thing I was able to manage was eating cereal, sitting out on the patio staring at the trees, and sleeping.

I knew what I was about to do was crazy. I didn't even know if it would work entirely, but I was going to try it anyway.

I abandoned the gallon of milk on the counter and ran outside with Alina, her brother barely visible in the tree line as he approached, his figure stark naked and intimidating as he walked with power.

My wolf howled in encouragement internally as I bolted forward to meet him, out of earshot from the others.

I watched as he placed shorts on, his frame getting closer and closer until I slowed to a jog.

I walked forward strongly until he was in arms reach and I lunged at him, sending him onto his back as I straddled him as we hit the ground.

I growled and with one fluid motion I sank my teeth into his neck, very similarly to how he had once claimed me.

Kieran growled lowly with his pleasure, clutching me to him as I used my tongue to clean my mark, placing open mouthed kisses against his skin.

He pulled back, looking down at me.

"How could you even forgive me?" He asked quietly as his hands rested on my hips.

"I am an Alpha and I claimed you as mine and there is not a thing on this earth that will ever take you away from me. Not even your doubts or fears of loving someone again." I said and silenced his prodding with my lips, kissing him firmly.

He sat up, his lips never leaving mine as his arms snaked around me. I felt his tongue brush against my lower lip, asking for entrance and I let him in without hesitation. I sighed contentedly at his sweet taste. He slowed the kiss into a passionate rhythm, his hands on either side of my face as he kissed me.

He pulled away, resting his head against mine as he breathed me in.

He stood up with me wrapped around his waist, eyes never leaving mine as he gently placed me on the ground as our parents and family approached.

"I will never hurt you again. I promise you. I'm okay now and I'm ready to love you with everything I have." He said to me.

I smiled and walked alongside him, lacing our fingers together.

I watched as Elise launched herself at her son, hugging him tightly.

I was caught of guard when she suddenly swatted him on his chest.

"Don't you ever do that shit again." She growled.

Kieran smiled and kissed his mother's forehead before releasing her and she sent me a smile.

I watched as Kieran's eyelids began fluttering.

"Wow. I'm really slee-

I cursed as Kieran fell back into the snow, nearly taking me down with him.

I chuckled as he began snoring, the quick acting effect of the claim mark presenting itself proudly. I smiled down at him, pleased with myself,

Alina stood next to me as James and Daniel hoisted Kieran's large frame up and carried him inside.

I went to follow, but Alina gripped my hand with a cunning mischievous smile.

"Oh no Charlotte, you're coming into town with me. We need to get some things for the house and for you. Let's go." She said and tugged me along behind her.

What I mistakenly thought was a grocery run, quickly turned into a much more personal matter that I had been putting off.

I reddened as Alina casually walked me down the aisle labeled as birth control.

"Would you relax? They're just condoms and just so you'll be ready when the time comes if you want to keep yourself safe, because by the way you two were kissing and with mating season approaching, you'll definitely be finishing the mating process sooner than later." She said.

I hated to admit it, but she was probably right.

I sighed and turned toward the shelves, seeing so many different types of condoms that I wasn't sure where to even start.

"Why the hell are there so many?! Don't they all work the same?" I whisper yelled as I motioned to the incredulous amount of different colored boxes.

"To experiment of course. When I started getting serious with Daniel, we got these. " she said and tossed me a box.

"Trojan Pleasure Pack." I read aloud, my eyes glancing over the sample pack that had practically one of every design and color you could imagine.

"It was a fun night to say the least." She said wiggling her eyebrows suggestively.

I chuckled and threw the pack into our basket.

"Uh, if it's not to much to ask, can I ask you how you felt the next day?" I asked quietly.

"I felt like I was at home. I knew that there was no where else I wanted to be. I knew I loved him with every part of me." She said smiling as if she were having a memory.

I smiled as I thought of Kieran.

"I think I'm ready to take that step with Kieran. I never realized how much I loved him already until I thought I lost him. I know I'm ready, but I literally have no idea how to go about this." I said blushing slightly.

"Don't worry my young apprentice. Victoria's Secret here we come." She said with a mischievous smirk.

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