Chapter Three

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"What happened yesterday?" Jennifer asked, staring at me with a worried expression on her face as she sat down on my desk.

"What do you mean?" I asked, trying to act confused. I pushed my long hair out of my eyes and adjusted my leather jacket. I was the only agent that didn't wear business suits. I always wore my combat boots, skinny jeans, a tank top, and my leather jacket while everyone else wore button up white collared shirts, slacks, and blazers.

"Stop bull shitting me, you know exactly what I mean." Jennifer was the only agent that could see passed my charade. I looked back down at the paperwork I was filling out from the last case.

"I just wasn't feeling good," I defended. She looked like she didn't believe me, but then the rest of the agents came in.

I stood up from my cubicle and walked over to where everyone else was sitting down at the table. I took my usual spot on the counter as Wallace walked out of her office.

"Good morning agents. Carter, I'm surprised to see you today. I thought I said you could take the day off?" Wallace said as she sat down at the head of the table.

"You did," I said simply.

"Well then, Victoria, would you care to start the meeting?" Wallace asked, turning to look at Victoria.

"Yes ma'am!" Victoria said cheerfully. Victoria stood up and started talking. It was much too boring for me and I found myself watching Xavier sleeping in his cage. His even breathing was surprisingly relaxing.

I was deep in my thoughts when I heard the front doors slide open. Victoria stopped talking and I looked up, expecting to see Crystal, even though she already delivered today's pie.

“Who’s that? He’s handsome,” Victoria commented.

When I saw who it was, my eyes widened in shock and my mouth fell open. I gasped, "No..."

I jumped up from my lounging position on the counter. As I landed, I pulled my gun out from where it was tucked into the back of my pants. I clicked the safety off and cocked it before taking aim.

"How did you get in here?" I asked, my voice not shaking despite how much the rest of me was.

"Through the door," he said, speaking like I was a little kid who didn't understand simple concepts.

"No shit, Sherlock. I meant how did you get passed the hand print scan, retinal scan, and the identity scan?"

"Carl let me in," he said simply.

"Of course he did," I muttered darkly.

"So, are you going to lower the gun?"

"Nope. Why are you here?"

"Can't a guy just stop by to say hello without an interrogation and the possibility of death?" he asked.

"Of course you can. It was just unexpected, that's all," Wallace said, standing from her seat at the table. To be honest, I had forgotten everyone else was there.

When I didn't lower my gun, Wallace took a step forward and put a hand on my shoulder. "Why don't you put the gun down, Jaycee?"

Not moving my eyes from him, I said, "I'll put my gun down when he leaves."

"Way to make a guy feel welcome, Jay,” he said.

I scowled at the use of the old nickname. Wallace squeezed my shoulder again and I lowered the gun, but didn't change my offensive stance.

Wallace walked forward and embraced him in a hug. "It's good to see you," she said with a small smile.

"You too, Wallace," he said with a returning smile. He turned from Wallace and looked at me with a smirk on his face. "Jaycee Carter. It has been far too long. It is very good to see you."

"Jaxon Steele. I'm afraid the feelings aren't mutual," I stated dryly.

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