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Jazmine had thought her temper was very well controlled. Sometimes she thought Jared had forced her to shift too early because she had never found anything that made her tick.

Both Jared and Sam had theirs. Sam hated anyone insulting those he loved. He couldn't take it and usually just spontaneously combusted.

Jared was a different story, he hated the wolves being referred to as anything but wolves. Emily had referred to them as mutts once and Sam had to tackle Jared through the screen door.

Jazmine had yet to find that one thing that made her so angry that she couldn't contain herself. She wasn't looking forward to it because she preferred to have control over her body.

Jared had dedicated an entire day to following her around and trying to find out. Kim was studying and Sam had the long patrol so there was no way to shake him.

He followed her around Emily's most the morning before she decided to go home. He followed her there which only annoyed Jacob.

"He's gonna have a shit temper." Jared sighed as he took a seat on the couch.

"Nah, his big thing will be family." Jazmine sighed and looked through the fridge.

"Never mind Jacob's, what's yours? Like I've done everything I can think of. I've talked shit about your family, brought up your mother, insulted your intelligence and brought up the fact you are stuck in Washington. Not even a shiver." Jared groaned and covered his face with a pillow.

"I guess I've got a perfect temperament," Jazmine smirked and settled on just making PB&J sandwiches. Jared yelled into the pillow and she laughed.

"I suppose it's a good thing. I mean you'll have to balance Paul out. He'll explode at the smallest thing." Jared laughed and flicked his eyes over to Jazmine when her knife hit the floor.

"Well shit, wish I didn't do it in the middle of your kitchen." Jared sighed. Jazmine dived out the back door and phased midway, ripping the door off its hinges.

"Jaz, fucking hell." Sam sighed as he watched the path of destruction she left.

"Shut up, I'm lucky I got out the door." She snapped and shook her fur out before bolting into the forest.

"In her defence, I found her tick." Jared sounded snide as he joined the conversation. Jazmine pounced at him in anger and dug her paws into his side.

"Why would I have to balance Paul out? He's not my problem." She growled and lowered her muzzle so she could look Jared in the eye.

She was tackled from the side and she cursed Sam, swiping her paws in mid-air to try to catch him. He pinned her effectively and she huffed out a small whine.

"You won't get any sympathy from me, now calm down," Sam demanded. She huffed out a sigh this time and tried to control the instinct to gut Jared down the middle.

"That's not a nice mental image." Jared teased and Jazmine shook under Sam's weight.

"I promise not to do anything that won't heal in a week." She begged but Sam only laughed at her.

She could tell he was about to compromise but everyone was on alert when they crossed paths with three very unfamiliar scents.

"Cold One's." Sam took off running letting Jared and Jazmine fall into place. The scents split at the border, two took off into Forks and one towards the Cullen's territory. Sam couldn't decide what to do and Jazmine growled.

"We protect people, not leeches." She took off towards Forks and increased the pace when she recognised the direction.

For a small wolf, she was slightly faster than Jared or Sam which meant they couldn't stop her getting to Charlie's house. She stopped in the tree line and while she could detect the familiar scent of the one Bella was with, she could also detect a new scent.

Turning Tables (Paul LaHote)Where stories live. Discover now