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Jazmine was running patrol on her own for the first time and she excelled in the freedom she had. There was no one to invade her thoughts, no one to interrupt her from the running. She was in her element.

In the short time since Sam had phased, there was already a track ran into the ground from repetitive use. Jazmine could easily pick up the scent of Jared and Sam.

She had argued with her father when she showed up at home early. He was pissed she wouldn't be waiting for March before dropping out like she had promised. He obviously had hope she would've changed her mind.

In return, she was pissed because he wouldn't sign the forms. It only took a quick read to figure it wasn't necessary. She was eighteen.

Sam was equally as pissed when she let him know she was dropping out. There was already enough rumours to go around and now she was leaving school. He was afraid it would have people suspicious.

"Do you mind company?" Jazmine sighed when Jared entered her head but she didn't try to shut him out.

"Don't you have a girlfriend to spend time with?" Jazmine asked and then caught images of Kim insisting she had to study.

"Nah, plus I wanted to check on you. I heard what happened in your history class." Jazmine could hear the argument from his end.

"Is that what my voice sounds like?" She asked and felt Jared's annoyance.

"You're avoiding the topic." He thought and she rolled her eyes and huffed.

"What part would you like to focus on?" She asked.

"The bit where Jenna brought your mother into it." He sighed as if it was obvious and Jazmine broke her stride as images of her mother flooded her brain.

"Nope, enjoy parole. Dickhead." Jazmine phased back and walked to where her clothes were stashed. She carried her shoes in her hand and walked to the beach. Although it was cold she was only wearing a tank top and some running shorts she had stolen from either Paul or Jacob.

"Aren't you even the least bit cold?" Jazmine tensed her shoulders and readjusted her sunglasses on her face.

"I'm running a temperature, what's it to you?" She asked.

"Jenna had no right to start shit yesterday." Paul sighed and Jazmine shrugged and turned to face him.

"What you do in your spare time has nothing to do with me, not anymore." She rolled her eyes before turning back to the water.

"Maybe I can't see your eyes but I still know you're rolling them." Paul sighed.

"Good, you can't see my hand but be sure I'm sticking up the middle finger." Jazmine crouched to pick up a stone and ran her thumb over it.

"So you're really dropping out?" He asked and Jazmine threw the rock and watched it skip.

"You don't get to ask, you don't get to interfere. I am no longer any of your business, but just so you know, it has nothing got to do with our break up." She left him standing at the water's edge.


Jazmine kicked her trainers off at the back door and made her way into the kitchen. Her dad was still giving her the silent treatment so she went in search of food.

"You been up at Charlie's?" Jazmine asked and her dad ignored her making her scoff.

"Right, that's not childish at all. Well, you're burning my nose. You reek of Cullen." Jazmine grabbed a pack of pop tarts and debated eating them cold.

Turning Tables (Paul LaHote)Where stories live. Discover now