Chapter 18 - "You done?"

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Five days later Sebastian was clean shaven and resembling himself in features, if not expression. Two weeks later Amelia was able to go through a session without having to repeat herself. Each session grow longer, and each day Sebastian's eyes grew clearer.

Sebastian sat on the arm rest of his chair, a concentrated scowl set into his features. Amelia bit back a small smile at the expression, thinking how she never thought she'd be happy to see a scowl. Sebastian glanced at his watch, his face falling into a weary sigh.

"Let's play through the chorus again and call it night. Sorry I'm not up for much longer," Sebastian said.


Amelia played, focus trained on the quick tempo. When she finished, she looked at Sebastian. Hints of pain still lived in his dark blue eyes, but the storm had passed.

"There's something off about the very end, but I don't quite know what it is at this moment," Sebastian said.

"Do you want me to play it again?"

"I'm not up for it today. We'll go through it again tomorrow. "


They cleared the tea dishes in silence and Amelia moved to the hall closest, pulling out her coat. As she lifted her satchel over her head, she turned to face Sebastian.

"Hey-" Amelia said, but stopped, hesitant. "I don't want this to sound too forward or anything, but Charlie dubbed it pizza night. I'm sure if I asked him nicely he'd be opening to letting you have at least a slice or two, if you want."

A ghost of a smile flitted across Sebastian's lips. A weight, Amelia hadn't been aware of, lifted. Sebastian looked down at the floor for a heart beat them back at her.

"I appreciate the offer, but I'm going to say no."

"Okay. I'll see you tomorrow then," Amelia said, simply.

He gave her a curious look. She smiled again and he nodded.


Warm light covered Charlie as he sat bent over a textbook. Amelia settled on the chair beside him. She waited for her brother to come up for air. He turned the page of his textbook, a look of unhindered determination etched between his brows.


He showed no sign of even hearing her. Amelia slapped her hand on top of the book. Charlie jerked back.

"Hey, fancy seeing you here," Amelia said.

"You could have done the normal thing and said my name. I was in the middle of something."

"I did say your name. Charlie, you're always in the middle of something. That's why I've decided we are going out to eat tonight. You've been studying for to long. Come on, get up we're going out."

Charlie gave her a flat look. Amelia scowled back at him. They continued in this fashion for a minute until Charlie's phone broke it. A tumble of emotions flashed across his face as he looked at the screen.

"Hey Natalie," Charlie said, casually, anwering.

Amelia's eyebrows shot up and Charlie twisted in his chair. A smirk crossed over Amelia's lips as Charlie's leg bounced nervously.

"Yeah, I'm free tonight."

A pause, more leg bouncing.

"Sure, now is good."

Another pause, his leg stilled.

"Okay. I'll text you the address."

Charlie hung up, but didn't turn around. Amelia coughed ostentatiously, Charlie cringed.

Every Second [COMPLETED]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora