Chapter 15 - "I'd like you to meet my girlfriend, Lennon Kayhill."

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The following morning, the roads were clear enough that Amelia and Will were able to go home and Sebastian was off to the airport. After celebrating Christmas and enjoying a few days off, New Year's Eve found the trio, Amelia, Will and Charlie, lounging around their living room when the door banged open and Poppy strode in.

"Oh my gosh! I've seriously missed you so much! I'm never leaving again!" Poppy said, striding into the family room. "I mean seriously, it was-" Poppy froze mid sentence as her eyes landed on Will.

"Here we go," Charlie muttered into his mug.

"Poppy this is Will," Amelia said.   

Will rose smoothly to his feet and took Poppy's outstretched hand.

"Poppy Watson," Poppy said.

Amelia felt a bit of relief as Poppy didn't seem to be pulling out her classic charming smile. Will on the other hand was all charm.

"William Ashford the fifth," he said.

Charlie and Amelia fought back laughter as Poppy's cheeks went red.

"I can see why you've been hiding him, Amelia. A girl is likely to lose her head around him." Poppy said, flashing Will a coy smile.

"How was your trip?" Charlie asked.

Poppy settled in next to Amelia, her words bubbling out of her, painting vivid scenes of casinos, sandy beaches and extravagant parties.

"I told him it was my last night there and that's when he asked me to marry him," Poppy said. "Poor bloke. Anyways, I turned him down and went dancing."

"Was he just too good looking or too rich?" Amelia asked,.

"He was just too dull for someone with so much time on his hands. He did nothing to be interesting. Poor sod, probably doesn't have an interesting bone in his body. He'll find some boring, uptight duchess to marry and they'll live ever after together. Happily is completely out of the question," Poppy said, with a sad sigh.

This brought on a round of laughter.

"Now that my tale of adventure is done, tell me how handsome William came to be here?" Poppy said, glancing over at Will with a bright smile.   

"Better question is, do you want to hear about that or have enough time to get ready for Sebastian's New Year's Eve party?" Amelia said, casually.

"What?" Poppy said.

"Did I not tell you? Sebastian invited all of us," Amelia said.

"Why didn't you tell me sooner? Not only do I need to get ready, we have to do something about you," Poppy said.

"Hey!" Amelia said, outraged.

"Alright, we'll go to my house and come back here with the car to pick up Charlie and William," Poppy said.

When Amelia didn't move, Poppy raised her eyebrows at her in exasperation. Grudgingly, Amelia pushed herself off the couch.

"William you may have the honor of escorting me to the party tonight," Poppy said, her voice lilting.

"I would be honored," Will said.

Poppy gave him a flirtatious look before heading towards the door. Amelia shook her head and followed Poppy.


The elevator doors sighed open and Amelia, Poppy, Will and Charlie stepped out. They walked into an elaborate ballroom, with windows facing the city and looked down on Time Square. Sebastian appeared before them, Olive on his arm, wearing a scandalous red dress.

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