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Graduation. It was a day I had looked forward to for a long time. Yet today signified a lot more than just leaving high school, at least to me.

To me it meant I had won. I had beat all the words of the people who told me I would never amount to anything. That I would never finish. That I would be a loser drop out. That I would be nothing.

So I should be happy. Elated even. But as I stared at my reflection in the mirror all I could feel was empty.

I took a deep breath and ran my hands through my hair, allowing fixed golden waves to fall over my shoulders. The image of me in my white graduation gown miraculously made me feel something other than emptiness though, which was a plus.

I grabbed my cap and exited my room. Shawn sat at the counter and looked up at me, a smile on his face.

"Wow," he mumbled.

I just smiled. "Shut up."

He stood and walked over to me. "No I will not shut up." His strong arms wrapped around my shoulders. "I'm so proud of you."

"Well don't be," I teased. "I haven't gotten my diploma yet."

"Mom and dad decided to meet us there at the hall," he said. "And then after we can go have a graduation dinner."

"That sounds nice." I glanced at the clock. It was already one. "I should go or I'll be late for line-up."

He hugged me once more. "Next time I see you it'll be official. Sam Carson; high school graduate."

I couldn't help but smile as I exited the apartment.

I tried my best not to think about Megan since this was my day but failed miserably. She had refused to reach out to me since Thursday even though I had tried multiple times. Yet, I knew going over to her house could lead to worse things.

Now it was Saturday and I had hit an all-time-low. Everything felt so pointless without her. But after tonight, if everything went according to plan, I wouldn't have to worry about Robert lurking in the shadows anymore.

When I made it to the graduation hall I spotted Blair talking with a few of our classmates. Then she saw me and marched over.

She stopped in front of me with a frown on her face. "You know, I understand you're hurting right now but that doesn't give you the right to shut me out." She poked my chest. "I'm your best friend and I love you and I'm here for you-"

"Blair," I cut in. "I'm sorry."

I could see tears in her eyes. "Then tell me what the hell's been going on with you."

I looked around nervously. "I can't right now, but I will tonight. I promise."

She didn't want to accept that answer but had no choice.

"Fine," she complied. "Then help me put on my cap."

I smiled and fixed the cap on her head and she did the same for me. Blue sashes were handed out and then we were hustled into line up. I prayed the ceremony passed with ease.

But when I walked out into the hall my eyes frantically scanned for Megan. I spotted her standing with the other teachers but she hadn't seen me yet.

She looked so beautiful. Her navy dress hugged her figure as her dark waves fell over her slim shoulders. Just seeing her had the ability to shine a small light through the darkness overtaking me. Then her gaze found mine.

In the moment I forgot to breathe as I saw an invisible weight fall from her shoulders. It was as if we had felt the same thing at the same time.

But she didn't hold my stare long and the aching in my chest returned.

Assisting Miss Adams (GirlxGirl) NEW VERSIONWhere stories live. Discover now