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Keys. God, where were my keys? And how could I misplace only one shoe? I stumbled through the room, desperately trying to escape before the girl in bed woke up and spotted me. Okay, shirt, pants, phone... I patted my pockets and found my keys. Okay, the only thing I was missing was my other shoe. Where the hell was it? I tripped over something on the ground and smiled to myself.

There it is, I thought. Reaching down I slipped it on.

I exited the room quietly, shutting the door behind me as I jogged downstairs. The house was a wreck. The end-of-summer bash had clearly been a success, but I wouldn't be around the deal with the aftermath. Now all I had to do was find Blair...

I spotted her on the couch, stretched out over some guy that had a line of drool seeping from his mouth. I gagged before shoving her awake.

She came to and groaned. "Oh my God..."

I nodded. "Yeah, that was my first thought too."

"What time is it?"

"Time to go," I answered before actually checking the time. "But it's almost noon."

I pulled her off of the couch as she grabbed her phone and followed me out of the house. It wasn't long before the Missouri heat scorched my back while we trudged over to my car. When I sat in the driver seat I pulled down the sun-visor and inspected the damage of last night.

"Remind me why we did this again?" I asked.

Usually high school parties weren't my thing.

Blair wiped excess makeup from under her eyes. "Just because you're a year older than everyone else doesn't mean you're too good to socialize with your fellow classmates."

I raked my fingers through my hair and pulled out of the yard.

It wasn't that I considered myself "too good" to hang out with my senior class, I just felt out of place. Being held back a year made it to where I would be turning nineteen in a just few weeks while most of my peers sat on the edge of seventeen. Not to mention that I didn't particularly like many of them anyway.

"I can't believe you slept with Brittany," Blair said.

"It won't happen again," I admitted.



She just smirked. "I know, I know. Like you always say, 'If you go back you're asking for trouble'."


Blair was the kind of friend that came along once in a lifetime. We met when I had made my great escape from my childhood home and moved in with my older brother, Shawn, almost two years ago. At the time of moving I would've never guessed that in the tiny town of Baldwin, Missouri lived a girl who would be willing to put up with all of my nonsense and stick around for the fun of it.

I was pulled out of my thoughts when my phone rang in the center console.

"I bet that's your girl from the party," Blair teased.

"Shut up," I countered, looking at my screen. "It's my brother."

"Uh oh."

I slid to answer. "Hey Shawn, look I'm-"

"Where are you?" he asked, annoyance clear in his voice.

"I'm on my way to drop off Blair and then-"

"Did you forget something?"

Why did he keep interrupting me? And what was I forgetting? 

"Um... no?"

Assisting Miss Adams (GirlxGirl) NEW VERSIONWhere stories live. Discover now