30. HELP!

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Chapter Thirty

Hannah's P.O.V.

That asshole. Such a cocky conceited bastard. So sure that I wanted that kiss. That I liked it.

Okay, yes, I know I did but I didn't have to. It just irritated me how he was so sure of it. Like there was no way I didn't.

Luke wasn't like that. Luke wasn't self-centered or cocky. Luke was just perfect. And I was so lucky to have him. He would never hurt a fly and I felt so safe around him. He was like my saviour. 

The next morning I woke up in a really bad mood. Like the mood of a girl on her period x1000. Or at least that's what it felt like.

It was the kind of bad mood that you just woke up in and nothing could change.

Well technically it could, but only for the worst. And with people like Kyle surrounding me at school, it was bound to be a bad day.

Points for the optimism!

I didn't even want to bother with my outfit but I had to because we had some adviser person coming into school today. We were all given the time that we had our 'appointment' at and were told to try to look formal. 

In my book, formal meant a nice dress or a skirt and shirt. But I knew no one would follow that rule and instead, everyone else's definition of formal was looking nicer than usual. 

So I slipped on a sheer lace tank top and a pair of navy jeans. I thought that maybe a pair of high heel zip peek toe booties would be a nice accessory.

"Good morning. You have that thing today right?" My dad asked sipping his coffee.

"Yeah." I nodded.

"What's it about?"

I shrugged. "Probably something useless. A woman trying to advise us on our future lives and trying to explain how difficult it is. Bla bla bla."

My mum laughed. "Someone's in a bad mood."

"We've all got those days. It's going to get worse if I'm going to be late. So I'll see you later." I grabbed my bag and left the house.


I walked out of my lesson and down the corridor towards the councillor's office.

My 'appointment' was at 11:25 which meant I got to miss a lesson. A lesson with Kyle. It made it much easier to avoid him—

"You can hear those heels down the corridor." Or maybe not.

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