Queen Rosalie feels pain too

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'Im giving his wolf he silence treatment 'I smiled

'Thanks Lily 'She smiled and so did I before falling asleep

Jason's POV

I sighed and looked at Macy who was sleeping peacefully on my shoulder. If I  reject Rosalie I could maybe find a second chance mate or even try dating a human .

As those though entered my head I heard a sharp intake of breath ,then did I remember she can hear all my thoughts . I turned around to see tears once again flowing freely from her eyes.

"Ro-"She cut me off with her hand

"We will talk about all of this at the
hotel "She said with her voice void of any emotion but I could see it all by the tears streaming down her cheeks

I turned around to see Macy was stirring and looking at her now she's nothing compared to my mate.

"Macy I'm sorry but that girl is my girlfriend and I was just trying to make her jealous "She looked at me and rolled her eyes

"Well if you get bored of her you have my number "I laughed and got up gently sitting next to Rosalie

"I'm going to warn you now when we get to that hotel your in for it "She hissed before turning away from me

"Maybe you'll get your wish and I'll just reject you "She said before it went completely silent

End of flight

We got off the plane and silently walked to bag claim.She grabbed the bag ruffly and made her  way to a black SUV waiting for us.

"Milady and who's this ?"The chauffeur asked

"This is my mate Jason ,Jason this is my chauffeur and family friend Sander "I smiled fakely and shook his hand.We got in and sat as far as possible away from each other .

"So Milady were to "She told him the hotel name and then sinked back into her seat.

We arrived to the hotel and got our room in no time .After unlocking the door she placed our suitcase down and closed the door .Before I could utter a word her hand came down on to my cheek harshly.


My hand flew to my now stinging cheek and I looked at her surprised .

"Don't look at me like that "She snapped before turning around and taking her dresses out and hanging them up .

As she did so I hung my head in shame looking at the ground. I've broken the biggest rule we are taught in my pack and that is never cheat or in anyway cause your mate pain ,always be loyal and trustworthy.

"You want me to open up right "I heard her say.I lifted my head up and looked at her to see she had stopped what she was doing as was facing me .

"Fine take a fucking seat and keep your mouth shut "I looked at her surprised to hear such vulgar language from a Queen

Doing as she said I stayed silent and she sheded her clothes until she was in just her undergarments.Now I would've been starring at her amazing body if I didn't see all the scars that coated her probably once flawless skin .

Seeing this caused my wolf to stir and my anger to spike ,I felt my eyes shifting from my gold ones to his pitch black ones.Seeing this Rose walked over and touched my arm instantly calming me .

"This is what my father did to me when I did something wrong "She said in a voice that held anything but softness,seeing that I was calm she ripped her hands away from me .

"I asked about mates more than once and that earned me a new scar each time.I rebelled like any teenager and that earned me harsh punishments that you can't even stomach or think of in your worst nightmare and so after awhile a kept my mouth shut and did as told "She took a breath but her eyes were fogged over as if she was reliving everything

"As I said before we come from very different times and families...I also told you I can't change my view on mates over night but obviously you can't respect me enough to wait for me to get use to the whole mate thing "She spat harshly as her eyes shifted from purple ,black too red

"And if you can't wait and respect me then we have no reason to stay mates "She declared finally ,saying this sparked my wolfs interest enough to forcefully take control

Nathan's POV

"And if you can't wait and respect me then we have no reason to stay mates"I couldn't take another minute of listening  to how heart broken my sweet mate sounded

"My love I can wait please ,please don't reject me love "She looked at me and her eyes widen a little when she noticed that she was no longer speaking to Jason but was speaking to me his Wolf .

I pulled her into a hug before she could protest and she surprisingly she sunk into my tight embrace

'Hey she doesn't let me hug her 'Jason whined but I'm still pissed at him for making her cry

'Stupid human always screwing up 'I said before cutting our link

I felt tears soak my chest and my heart tightened knowing this was Jason's fault

"I'm suppose to be a strong leader and I'm here crying over my mate "She sobbed

"My love you are strong and those scars prove it ,please I want you and your problems "I kissed her nose and she smiled genuinely which warmed my heart

"Okay I won't reject you but I just need some time to get use to this mate thing" I shook my head and gently placed my lips on hers.

I gave control back to Jason hoping he wouldn't screw up again my poor mate has been through so much already.

Jason's  POV

I came back into control to feel Rosalie's soft lips moving instinctively with mine

"I'm sorry love can you forgive me "She  pulled away

"As long as you do two things "I shook my head and grasped her hand into mine

"Anything my love "She stroked my still slightly stinging cheek

"First off delete blondies number and  never think about rejecting me again and learn to be more patient with me "I took my phone out and deleted Macy's number

"Done "She kissed my cheek and hugged me tightly

"I like the gentle and calm side a lot better then emotionless and stiff side "I said causing her to roll her eyes

"My love you need to give me some time to get use to the new feelings and mate thing "I kissed her forehead

"As long as you promise to not go all cold and emotionless on me again"She laughed

"Promise my love "She said before pulling on comfy clothes as she was still standing in her undergarments

"Unpack your suits so they don't get wrinkled"She ordered as she did the same to her dresses

"Okay mom "I saluted sarcastically

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