Moms Book

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Rosalie's POV

He's been uneasy for an entire hour and because of the mate pull I have this weird feeling to make him more comfortable,however instead of going the softer way I decided to do it my way .

"Okay "His head snapped up

"I feel your uneasiness ,for the name of the Moongoddess what's wrong ?"I looked at him intently waiting for his answer

"Well spit it out "I said harshly

"Um... Maybe I should just go and stay out of your way "I sighed and began rubbing my temples

So maybe my way wasn't the best way to solve the problem by it got him to leave me in peace...

'Stop being mean to our mate 'Lily hissed at me

' Why the kids giving me a headache  'I hissed back

' Well maybe if you weren't so mean...HE WOULDN'T BE SO NERVOUS !! 'I groaned as she growled

'Oh put a sock in it wolfie 'She growled again and ignored me

He looked back and sighed before leaving me alone to do my work in peace

Later that week

"Okay ,bye Alpha ,Luna it was good finding something we could both agree on  "I said to the Alpha and Luna near my territory

I heard footsteps on the floor and turned around to see a little girl ,kids my favorite kind of person

"Hello sweetheart and who might you
be "She bowed her head sheepishly

"J...-JJ-eee-ssss....-iii..-ccc..-aa "She struggled to say and I smiled as I picked her up

"Well Jessica my name is Rosalie you can call me rose "She giggled and hugged me

"You must be Jason's little sister "I said still smiling ,she shook her head

"Well Jess would you like me to read you a book ?"She shook her head eagerly as I carried her to my library

"Okay ,lets go "I picked out the best book ,my moms book

"Okay this is a story my mommy wrote "I began to read and by the middle she was fast asleep

"Come little flower "I picked her up gently and began to walk

Jason's POV

I was walking out of the kitchen when my mother ran into me

"Mom what's wrong ?"Her eyes were puffy and she was breathing heavy

"I-I can't find your sister "She began to sob and soon my brother ,Amy and dad were in the kitchen

"We've looked everywhere "My father said

"I asked all the staff ,none of them have seen her "Amy said out of breath

The kitchen door opened and closed but I didn't my much mind until I heard a voice

" Now I don't believe you looked everywhere "We all froze and looked at the door to see Rose holding a sleeping Jessica

"Oh your highness "My mother bowed her head

"I will not stand to have my mates family bow to me we are all equals "She looked at Jessica adoringly and looked back at us

"I read the little one a story in my library and she fell asleep ,no need to worry "She cradled jess gently

"I think it would be best to take her to
bed "She handed jess to my mom and walked away

"Damn that ones is a puzzle "Justin stated starring at the door were Rose was just standing .I shook my head silently before  continuing my way out of the kitchen to only be stopped my Rose herself .

"Jason I need to speak to you come
with me  "I obey and walked behind her

"I'm leaving for a monthly meeting with one of my royal packs"She said

"Oh...okay...when will you be back "She rolled her eyes

"Your coming to "I looked at her weirdly

"Uhhh...why?"She sighed

"Your my mate and soon to be king ,it's your job to accompany me wherever I
go "My wolf howled and swelled with pride when she called him mate and future king

"Go get a weeks worth of clothes then come to my room "I shook my head scurrying of

I grabbed 3 pairs of jeans ,1 pair of sweats ,two pairs of slacks ,two dress shirts with there jackets ,3 regular shirts ,underwear and two pairs of shoes

I knocked on her door and it flew open ,she looked over my pile to and amusement flash in her eyes before it was gone

"Someone who understands what pack for a week means "She muttered to herself

"Huh ?"She shook her head and moved aside so I could enter.Despite living in a Medieval palace she has very clean and modern room.

"Nice room "She shrugged and pointed to an open suit case

"You can put your stuff in here "I did so

"Makes traveling easier if we have less bags ,now tonight we leave for the
airport "I shook my head and went to leave but I felt electrifying sparks run through my body

I turned to see Rosalie's hand rested gently on my shoulder ,as if she noticed  my gaze she snatched her hand away as if it was in fire .The usual feeling of rejection once again made its way through my body.

"Your sleeping in here tonight ,we leave around 2 a.m so it's easier to leave "I shook my head and was about to turn around again but she wasn't done

" If I wanted to do that it would've already happened "She stated looking me dead in the eye

"Well snatching your hand away from me like it's on fire is the best way to prove that "I grumbled sarcastically and to grab my pillow and change

When k returned I put my pillow on the couch and settled down uncomfortably


I heard shifting coming from her direction and then sparks ran through my shoulder then flowed to the rest of my body.

"When I said you were sleeping in here I meant in my bed not on my uncomfortable couch "I didn't need to be told twice before I shot up and was laying in her soft cloud like bed

The bed dipped in and the lamp was shut off taking away the last bit of light from the room

"Good night My Queen "I mumbled more to myself then to her

And I swear before I fell asleep she said
'Goodnight My King'

But I was to far gone to say anything before I met darkness

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