Chapter Twenty Five.

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All your comments made me smile. (: And sorry for confusing the two boy’s names in the last chapter. I said Travis, when I meant Sam. So, it is Sam ha-ha.

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Elijah Astor

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I come to an abrupt stop at a red light, my hands clenching tightly on the tearing steering wheel. What the hell is going on?

I swallow roughly, my Adams apple bobbing painfully. Dakota’s lips felt incredible, and if she didn’t stop me when she did, I probably wouldn’t have been able to.

I’m still so confused on why she did stop me. Does it have to do with Ryan? My mind is buzzing, and I can feel a headache starting at the corners of my eyes, and all I really want to do right now is just sleep. I want to forget Dakota for the moment; forget how nice it felt to kiss her, and how fucking adorable she looked in her glasses.

To tell you the truth, I have no idea why I went to see Dakota. I wanted to stop thinking about our dance, and just forget about what I learned about Dave, but something pushed me toward her house. And that’s where I ended.

I didn’t mean to kiss her. Heck, I’m not even sure I wanted too, because it was never my intentions. All I know is that when I showed up, she looked so damn good in those leggings and glasses. It was like seeing a glimpse of the real Dakota, the one she lets me see occasionally.

But, when she pushed me away, I didn’t know what to do. I felt foolish, and ashamed. I did the only thing I could think of. I left. Because, if I stayed any longer, I would of done something stupid. Like kiss her again. Because before I left, her lips were swollen from kissing, and it was one of the sexiest things I ever laid my eyes on.

I don’t like Dakota. I’m almost positive I don’t. But, I do know I’m attracted to her. It’s nothing beyond physical, and I’m going to make it stop and soon.

This girl is seriously messing with my head.

And everything’s just fucked up.

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My phone vibrates next to me. Groaning, I bury myself deeper into my bed. Reaching out, I weakly grab my phone, sliding it under the covers next to me. Answering, I meekly say, “Hello?”

“Dude!” Tommy roars on the other end, making me wince away from his screeching voice. “Where are you?”

“Um, my house?”

Tommy lets out an over exaggerated sigh. “Eli, are you still sleeping?”

Yawning, I rub my palm over my face. “I’m trying too.”

“Well wake up!” Tommy yells, and I could hear him jumping. “It’s five at night!”

“Shit.” I grumble, rolling over onto my stomach, and peaking at my clock.

“Shit’s right. Luke came up with this sick new tune. We wanted to play it for you.”

Scratching at my eyebrow, I nod to myself. “Alright. I’ll be there in twenty.”

“Twenty? What, are you getting a pedicure?”

I scowl at the phone. “Have I ever told you I like Luke better?”

“Yeah, yeah, he likes you better, also.” He says in a bored tone. “Just get over here. And plus, Dakota’s here.”

I sit up. “She is?”

“Well, considering she works here, then yes. And she looks hot.”

I roll my eyes. “You always think she looks hot.”

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