Chapter Four.

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Dakota Aniston

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I was aware I was staring, but I couldn’t seem to look away. I blindly filled drinks for people, but my eyes wouldn’t look away from the dance floor. She always did this. Wasn’t it enough that she already had Ryan?  Her arms were wounded tightly around Elijah’s neck and his around her waist. What were they doing anyway? I’m pretty sure they don’t call that dancing. I made a face, before turning away. Disgusting.

It’s not like I’m jealous, because I’m not. But, did she have to dance with him? I don’t know why it’s bothering me, because the whole point of this damn arrangement is to get her to fall for him. But, I didn’t expect it to be this easy. She was clearly already trying to get his attention just because she knew he was with me, and it was obviously working just the way she wanted it too because Elijah is wrapped around her pretty finger. But, isn’t there some best friend code to follow? Not that she would know anything about that, anyway.

I know what you’re thinking, if she’s that bad, why don’t I just stop being friends with her? It isn’t that easy. My life isn’t that easy. If I say goodbye to Stacey, I say goodbye to everything I’ve done to be where I am today. I say goodbye to who I made myself out to be.

Maybe one day I can finally stop being afraid. I can finally stop being someone I’m not and just let go.

Yeah, I’m not holding my breath.

“Are you okay?”

My attention finally left the dance floor, and met with a set of brown orbs. Ryan. He was seated in a stool by the bar, a half empty glass of beer in his left hand, and he wore a tired smirk on his face. “You’ve been cleaning that shot glass for about ten minutes now.”

“Oh.” Was all I could say, as I looked down at the glass. And In fact, I had been moving a washrag over the outside, pretty forcefully, for a while now, without noticing. I let out a nervous laugh. “Yeah, I’m fine.”


I nodded, and smacked my lips together. An awkward silence fell between us then, and Ryan ran his finger across the condensation on his glass. Ryan was cute, not necessarily handsome, but a simple boyish cute. He had a buzzed head, but his hair was light brown, and his eyes were a dark chocolate. He had a soft spoken face, and broad shoulders.

“So, what’s up?” I broke the silence after handing a woman her drink. I wiped my hands down on my apron, before smiling up at Ryan.

He shrugged and took a swig of his beer. “Waiting for Stacey.”

My heart fell. “Oh.” I murmured, and look away, hiding my frown.

Ryan suddenly leant forward, until I could feel his breath fan over my chin. My whole face flushed, and for one crazy second I thought he might kiss me.

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