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Grover sat in the driver's seat of a car we had taken from Medusa's lair, that I could only guess belonged to the woman and her husband she had just turned to stone. Percy and I sat in the backseat together, Arrow laying at our feet.

Grover seems to be getting tired, Arrow told me as I looked down at him, nodding my head. Grover caught my eye from the mirror.

"Oh come on, don't tell me Arrow was just talking to you?"

"He said you look like you're getting tired," I teased, but I could tell by the immediate slump in Grover's shoulders that he definitely was. "Maybe we should stop for the night? Sign says there's a motel right off the highway about two miles up?"

"Which exit?"

"Says 217," I told him as I read the sign. I looked over at Percy, raising an eyebrow at him. "You cool with stopping for the night?"

"Yeah, sounds good," he told me with a nod. Arrow sat up, resting his head on Percy's knee. Percy laughed, scratching behind his ear.

Not going to lie, Luna, kinda love this kid, I couldn't contain my laugh as I shook my head. Percy grinned, looking over at me.

"What? Arrow tell you something?"

"He just said he really likes you," I told him with a soft smile, looking over at him. His smile mirrored mine.

"Is he the only one?"


"I am NOT driving this car and listening to the two of you flirt! Wait till we get to the damn hotel! Good gods,"


"The shower felt amazing!" I exclaimed, walking out of the small bathroom in our room with my bikini on and a towel draped over my shoulder. I didn't know exactly what was going to happen on this journey, and I figured at some point we were going to be stopping at a hotel. What hotel doesn't have a pool? Pools are relaxing.

"So you showered, just to go get in the pool?" Grover questioned me as he laid sprawled out on one of the two beds, the TV on and an empty Pepsi can in his mouth. Arrow laid beside him, occasionally sniffing his legs because of his goat smell.

I rolled my eyes, walking past him and over to the door, "Never said I did things that made sense, Grover."

"That's very true," he mumbled, though I still heard him as I made my way out the door. He called out one more thing to me as I left, "Percy is down at the pool as well!"

"Figured!" I called back, making my way towards the steps to the pool.

I walked down to it slowly, admiring the moon up above me. 

The soft glow that it gave off was almost comforting. The light felt like ti washed over me, almost like it was a hug from my mother. The moon often brought comfort to me, made me long for my mother. She was a goddess, though, she couldn't be there for me. She had her duties to attend to on Olympus, along with the Hunters of Artemis. That didn't mean I didn't long for my mother to be there, right beside me often.

"Hey, water boy," I said in a soft voice as I sat down on the edge of the pool, letting my ankles dip into the pool. Percy had just broke the surface of the water, I didn't even want to know how long he had been under there. A smart remark was seconds from leaving his lips, until I saw his eyes rake over my body. My cheeks heated up, just as his did, until his gaze settled on my wrist.

"Hey, what happened to your wrist?" he questioned me, his voice full of concern as he swam over, holding my wrist lightly in his hand. It was almost as if he was afraid to hurt me more.

"It's probably from that poor woman that got turned to stone. She had one hell of a grip," he chuckled slightly, staring up into my eyes.

"Watch this," he whispered. His eyes focused on mine as he took his other arm from the water, moving his hand so his fingertips were lightly touching mine.

I watched in amazement, a small smile gracing my lips, as the water from the pool slowly traveled from his hand to mine. It pooled around my wound and seemed to sink into my skin, making the mark disappear in a matter of seconds. 

I looked back up to Percy's ocean eyes, giving him a grateful smile. His smile soon turned from sincere to playful as I felt a tug on my arm, my body being engulfed my pool water within the next few seconds.

I broke the surface, choking on water and sending Percy a glare at the same time. He only floated a mere 5 feet away, laughing his ass off like his stunt was the funniest thing in the world to himself.

"You know, I would call you some really rude names right now, but since we're in the water I probably shouldn't piss off your dad," I told him, crossing my arms over my chest as I kicked my legs, keeping myself a float. He smirked, swimming over to me until he was directly in front of me, his nose gently touching mine as my eyes stayed locked onto his.

"He wouldn't touch you, and I wouldn't let him," he whispered, his ocean eyes staring into my silver ones. I felt my breath hitch in my throat and my cheeks heat up, any smart remark that I could have possibly been thinking of stuck in my throat. 

That's when he leaned in and kissed me.

Time stopped in that moment and my eyes widened in shock. This was a moment that I had secretly thought about, I had never actually spoken of it out loud. This was something that I wanted, there was something about Percy that just pulled me in, almost like I was under a spell, but here I was not reacting. I couldn't move. It felt like my entire body was paralyzed as his lips moved against mine. He began to pull away, a string of apologies probably seconds away from pouring from his lips. I came back to reality, though, and quickly pulled his lips back to mine.

My arms wrapped around his neck, pulling him as close as possible as we each savored every second of the kiss. I expected his lips to taste of chlorine, but they didn't. Instead, they tasted of salt water, just like the ocean. It was a taste that I was quickly coming to love as I smiled into the kiss.

Percy didn't hesitate to smile back, his grip on my waist tightening. Suddenly, our quest to Hades was pushed to the back of my mind, seemingly becoming unimportant. All that mattered in that moment was the feeling of his lips and the salty taste of salt water they gave to me.

"If you two love birds are down making out in the pool, which I totally knew was going to happen, you might want to come see this!" Grover's voice interrupted. Percy and I broke our kiss, a small yet sheepishly smile gracing both of our lips as we looked up at Grover.

Of course, Grover stood with a giant smirk on his face. Arrow was beside him, and I shot him a warning glance. Thankfully, the wolf pup kept his mouth shut, but I could only picture what he could be saying to me in his head.

"Oh, I'm sorry, did I interrupt something?" I gripped onto Percy with one arm, throwing the finger up at our friend. He only laughed, entering the room once more with Arrow right behind him.

"Damn goat boy," Percy mumbled, his grip tightening for a second as he turned back to me. I giggled, tilting his chin up and placing on last kiss on his lips before swimming away and lifting myself out of the pool. "Luna, are we going to talk about this?"

"Later, water boy. Should probably figure out what Grover wants before he has a aneurysm."

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