Wanted and Unwanted Love

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23 March 1518
Life at court seemed to slow down a little, the days prolonged and the hours stretched to breaking point. Diana, sick and tired of pregnancy already, began to get moody and jealous when the King so much as glanced at another woman, but even Diana Westerly, Charmer of Men, knew that she was losing hold of her husband.

Henry, however, was completely besotted with Leia Westover. He forgot his pregnant wife, he forgot his possible son and heir, all he thought about was Leia Westover.
But why did she ignore him? Why did she never meet his eyes anymore? Even those pitiful smiles would suffice. But no, Leia kept her eyes downcast and her face away from his view.

"Your Majesty,"said a messenger, "I am very sorry to tell you that we have found two—"he paused, trying to think of the right word. "—lovers in the palace. Two forbidden lovers."
The King shifted on his throne, glancing at Diana, who was gazing dreamily into the distance, one hand under her chin.
"Bring them to me,"said Henry firmly.
The messenger nodded and two guards entered, pulling along a man between them. The man was dragged up to the King's feet and thrown down onto his knees.
Henry inspected the creature below him curiously. "What is his name?"
The messenger replied "Herbert Davids, I think, Your Majesty." The King raised his eyebrows.
"There is no Herbert Davids in my court, Messenger. Make him look at me,"he said carelessly.

As the man turned to face the King and Queen, Diana stood up in shock.
"John!"she cried, "what are you doing?"
John Westerly glanced up at them, or Lord Rochford, as he had been named at the royal wedding.
"Where is the woman?"asked Henry, one eyebrow raised. The messenger nodded, and a lady strode in indignantly followed by a guard.

This time, the King stood up.
"Margaret!"he scolded, "what were you doing with your own brother-in-law?"
Princess Margaret, eyebrows raised casually, didn't reply. She looked at John Westerly, and both the King and his Queen saw the pure love in their eyes.

"Henry,"she said simply, "what is my crime? What have I done wrong?"
The King strode towards her, tall and towering. "I am not your brother! I am your King! It's 'Your Majesty' to you!"

Margaret just stared at him calmly.
"You.... You and the brother of my wife are lovers?"
"Yes,"she replied shamelessly. "Is it wrong to love.... Your Majesty? You know the feeling I love, don't you?"
Henry, sighing, looked at Margaret. Her Tudor red hair curled down her back, so calm and collected. Did she know what the punishment might be? Obviously. But she had touched a nerve.
Is it wrong to love, Your Majesty?

"You and your.....lover will be banished from court for six months, perhaps. And you must marry, I suppose to make things proper but you must not think that I sanction this marriage. It is an unholy marriage and God will not accept it. A fine is also in order, I believe? I expect the sum of £6,500 by the end of your exile. Now leave!"

Margaret curtsied and strode out calmly as if untroubled. John Westerly followed her hesitantly but looking pleased with the outcome of the conversation. Diana, however, stood up and ran towards the other door, her face ashen and sad.
"Wait, Diana, wait!" cried the King, hurtling after her as best he could. She was slow, from her pregnancy, and Henry enveloped his arms around her.

"What's the matter Diana?"asked the King, whispering soothingly into her ear. She wrestled herself out of his grasp.
"You arrested my brother for falling in love, did you?"she questioned, "because he fell in love harmlessly with your sister?"
"It was only right,"murmured Henry.
"Really?"screeched his wife uproariously, "to be arrested for love is right? I hate you! How can you be so unfeeling when you know exactly how they feel?"
Yes, I do. I know what it is to love someone, Diana. But I don't think that you do.
"I am banishing them for six months, wife! If you persist, it will be 12 months!"
Diana, pale and surprised, raised her eyebrows. She glanced at him through half-closed eyes, her hand holding her baby safe.
"Do not call me wife, Henry. I don't want to be your wife if all you do is take away everything that I love!" With that, she stalked away.

15 April 1518
"Lady Sorrel,"called the King, beckoning to her from his chair. She came to him timidly, her eyes watching him with fear.
"Y-y-yes, Your Majesty?"she stammered, curtsying as low as possible. Henry leaned towards her ear and whispered
"Will you come to my bed tonight? My wife is... indisposed." Sorrel gasped, glancing at her flat body with surprised. Then, she nodded.
Henry smiled, but as Sorrel scurried away, he caught a glimpse of Leia standing in the door. She greeted Sorrel, gently putting a comforting arm on the older girl's shoulder, and they strode away together like best friends.


Henry's POV
I watch from my four-poster bed as Sorrel Cavill enters my chamber and curtsies timidly. What I don't like about her is that she is more like a mouse in a gown (a nice gown at that). I like woman with fire in them—it makes a more interesting relationship.

"Strip,"I command, trying to ignite my passion for this girl, but she remains uninviting even when her gown is off and she is naked in front of me. I call "come, little one, come!"
She follows my order, and lies on the bed next to me. I push the covers from my own bare chest and body, and place myself squarely on top of her. Sorrel's breathing becomes a little faster.

"Please,"she begs wantonly, "kiss me properly?" I shake my head. Why would I want to kiss those childish lips? I have so much more to do tonight...

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