Talking and Wondering

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Sophia scanned the paper three more times, then looked back at the window where Henry had been. He had vanished.
"Well?"asked Louisa, "are you coming?"
"No,"replied Sophia, folding the paper up. "You—what's your name?" The servant bowed. "David, My Lady."
"Well, David, can you fetch my bags from the carriage please. Then, you can show me where to go."
Louisa looked stunned. "But why?"
"Because His Majesty asked me to stay, and I will. Goodbye, Louisa, and I'm sorry. For everything." And as David emerged with Sophia's bags, the carriage carrying a bemused Louisa set off down the road.
"This way, My Lady, follow me,"said David and he led Sophia up the path and into the palace. As they entered, David gave the bags to Mary, who happened to be passing by. "To go to Miss Sophia's bedchamber, Mary." Mary nodded and was off.
"Please come through here, My Lady, the King would like to speak with you directly." David took her to the throne room, which was empty apart from the King and two guards. The servant boy bowed, took Sophia' cloak, and disappeared, shutting the door behind him.
Henry stood up and said to his guards "leave us!" They did, swiftly, and Sophia was left alone with the King. She could feel her mind beginning to clear, her heart beginning to sway as she realised she was falling in love with the King, much as she thought she'd hated him.
The King crossed the room and came to her side. "Will you take a walk in the garden with me, Sophia?" Sophia nodded. Henry took her arm and led her to the beautiful garden outside. The trees were beautiful shades of red and gold, and the maze was becoming bare and brown. The lake reflected the grey sky, and the big willow tree leaning over it. Sophia admired the garden and nearly forgot she was walking with the King.
"Sophia?"he whispered.
"Yes?"she replied, turning to face him under an archway.
"Look." He pointed to above them, and Sophia saw what he was pointing at.
"Mistletoe,"she said, "but it's not Christmas. It's not even winter."
"Who cares?"he said, and kissed her right on the lips.

That night...

Sophia still hadn't quite recovered from the shock, but she could feel a glowing feeling in her heart that she hadn't felt for quite a long time: happiness. Sophia, for the first time in two years, completely forgot about Louisa, and how she might be feeling, at this moment in time. She was surprised to discover she was in love with the King, despite his coarseness with her and her sister.

11 September 1511
After another week at the palace, Sophia became immersed in giving the King whatever he wanted, for she did not want him to turn on her again (though their argument was forgiven and forgotten).
She had written a apologetic letter to Louisa, explaining what had happened and why she was staying, but to her aggravation, Sophia had not received a reply.
It was now the beginning of September and cold weather rained down on Hampton Court Palace as if it would never end: crunchy, orange leaves littered the ground outside; wind whistled harshly, making the windows rattle; many servants caught colds and fevers, but none of this dampened the King's restless spirit. He had the girl he wanted in his power and nothing else really mattered to him in the world.

17 September 1511
One typical cold and wet day in mid-September, Sophia felt like going for a walk. She wrapped up warm in a fur coat, fur boots, a muff and fur hat, and went outside in the garden. She saw the arch with twisty vines curling around it that she and Henry has kissed under, seemingly so long ago and her heart ached. She saw the weeping willow over the lake, bare but still beautiful.
"I needed fresh air too,"said a voice behind her and Sophia spun round. The King stood behind her, dressed up in a similar fashion with furs, and he was smiling warmly. Sophia sunk to the ground, her head lowered. "Your Majesty,"she breathed.
"Rise, Sophia. I would like to share some information with you. Walk with me?"
Sophia rose, and took his outstretched arm. They strode along the winding path going 'crunch' at every step.
"I have spent my last four weeks in your company, and I must say they have been the happiest weeks of my life. I have never admired any women more then I do you, Sophia, and now I look on you as something quite different." He stopped, turned to her and took her hand. Sophia's heart skipped a bit, then began banging loudly in her chest.
"I now view you, not just as a guest in my court, but as a future Queen of England. Please. Marry me."

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