56. Irreplaceable

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The phenomenal banner on the side was made by Life_is_Music1. Thank you!

Dedicates to hoodielover33 for your incredible support and love towards this story. Your comments make me happy Thanks hon!

A huge shoutout lurvebuks11 for your lovely messges and amazing support. Thanks doll!


This chapter is unedited so please excuse the grammatical errors. Enjoy!


Suzzanah's POV

It was obvious by the absolutely flabbergasted looks on everyone's faces that what Alpha Penson had just said had absolutely blown their minds to outer space. Most of them were gawking at him as though their eyes would pop out of their skulls any minute, while a few of them, like General Reginald were staring at him as though he had just lost his mind.

But I knew, if there was one thing Alpha Penson would never lose, it was that mind of his.

Everyone around us was so shocked that they couldn't even bring themselves to ask him what the heck he was talking about. And I think I would have been the same, had it not been for the very foreign yet prominent feeling that was currently flooding my system.

A feeling of understanding.

When I had jumped out of that window just a few seconds ago, the portrait of the woman I had seen had been her, the same dark haired spirit from the woods.

Emily Penson.

And although at first the revelation had shocked me, when I felt Emily's spirit sink into me earlier, a strange feeling of acceptance and understanding had consumed me. I didn't know why or how, but I did know this...

Emily Penson and I, we were the same.

But how...I wasn't really sure

I tipped my head up to look at Alpha Penson who was watching me, his eyes glinting with affection, a soft smile playing on his lips.

He would know though, I'm sure

"John", Zuerien finally breathed out, his brows knit together in utter confusion, "What are you-"

The little boy in my arms stirred and all our gazes immediately shot towards him.


Zuerien immediately pulled the curtain cloth off Tony's face and the child squeezed his eyes shut before coughing and gasping for breath. His pale face was covered in black soot, and little cuts and scratches were littered across his skin, but apart from that, on first glance, he didn't seem to have any major injuries.

"Get the medic!" Zuerien ordered immediately.

Tony winced in pain and I immediately felt my heart clench at the sight of the poor child. I placed my hand over the burn injury over the back of his right palm, worriedly looking down at him.

Relief hit me when Tony groggily opened his eyes, his disoriented gaze wandering around for a second before fixing on mine. I smiled at him and placed my other hand over his head.

"You okay, kiddo?" I asked, my voice sounding raspy and dry.

Tony's eyes widened slightly at the sight of my face and his lips parted, but the minute he started to say something, he went into a fit of coughing once again. Del immediately picked him up, taking him from me and hurrying away.

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