22. The Connection

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Dedicated to nimmzz for all the lovely votes and wonderful comments! I really appreciate it!

Picture of Suzzanah's dress on the day of the Annual games to the side.

A huge shoutout to mandeep1113 for being one of the earliest supporters of this story! Thank you, it means so much to me!


Suzzanah's POV

The room that had just a second ago been so quiet that even the sound of bee buzzing would have seemed like an airplane taking off, suddenly burst with a flood of excited shouting and beckoning, all directed at the poor waiter who now seemed very perplexed and panicked by the sudden attention. All the men in the room were yelling orders at him.

"You're not interrupting anything!"

"Come in!"

"Please come!"

"We were waiting for the food, hurry up!"

"Perfect timing"

They literally pulled the bewildered waiter into the room while he struggled to bring the trolley of food with him. Several other puzzled waiters followed and helped arrange the food quickly. The minute they tried to leave, someone or the other would order something else even though food was already overflowing from the table. It was like they didn't want the waiters to leave. And I understood why that was.

They're stalling...

After a while of gaping, I quietly settled into my seat and started eating while most of the men were still being animated. A few minutes later, they seemed to have noticed that I had become very silent and they started to exchange confused glances as they too, slowly calmed down and sent the waiters away with orders of food large enough to feed the entire city.

Once everyone at the table settled down, I looked at the Alpha, "Well sir? You didn't answer my question"

He swallowed his food and took a sip of his drink before looking my way, "I happened to be in the forest that day with Marco and ran into Talon who said you were lost. So we started to look for you. But none of us found you"

Lies...all lies...

"Mr. Talon never mentioned this to me", I said looking grimly at Mr. Talon who gulped.

"Y-yes, well, you found me before they could find you so I informed them and didn't tell you, knowing you would worry", Mr. Talon replied nervously and I narrowed my eyes at him.

"That's the reason I came to John's room later that day, to ask if you had really come back", Alpha Zuerien added coolly and I could feel my irritation rising.

Lies...well fabricated lies...

"Then how is your not seeing the blue-green eyed man even relevant? How could you if you didn't even see me?!"

He cleared his throat, "That's exactly what I meant. The guy who projected the hologram of the blue-green eyes guy had to be around you to project it. I didn't see him, the hologram, or you", he stated not making eye contact making me resist the urge to kick him under the table.

He wasn't making any sense...

"Then why did everyone seem so excited that you didn't see it? How could you possibly see it if you weren't even there?!" I asked irritably.

"It's was just a statement Suzzanah, only you saw the two figures. So only you can recognize them", he replied and I squeezed my eyes shut in aggravation.

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