5- Tyme in Detention.

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The detention room was nothing like the image I had in my head. It was a large basement with hundreds of desks perfectly aligned across the whole room. Brightness bounced off the white-washed walls from the fluorescent lights, making the entire room incredibly bright. Most of the desks were empty with the exception of one or two and the room was so silent I could hear the sound my own heartbeat.

I walked further into the room and settled for a desk on the far side where I could get a better look of everyone coming and going out of the area. I assumed in a school full of boys there would be more of them in detention, I'd grown up around a lot of guys and had come to realise how mischevious and annoying they could be, no matter the age. But it was quite empty.

The professor in charge wasn't present at his desk and the two boys there seemed asleep. Other than that there was nothing else to take note of. My eyes got tired of seeing the same bland bright colours and trails of empty desks and my ears were ringing from the deafening silence. If the whole point of detention was to bore me to death it was currently succeeding. I didn't enjoy being so still and surrounded by quiet. It made me think too much. From what I'd heard little boys and girls dreamed of becoming secret agents, apparantly it was awesome. Little did they know that the PTSD was literal madness. Usually we're weaned off such emotions from a young age, that's what made agents so effecient , especially us in the execution centre. But agents were still human beings and the emotional trauma sometimes got to them.

When this happened a process called "displacement" was then performed on the mentally scarred agents which decided if they could bounce back from the trauma or they had to be displaced; it was usually the latter.

I hardly got any sleep lately, if I so much as winked I could hear screaming and crying and begging. Loud sudden noises made me jumpy and when it got really quiet, I unwillingly drifted off to the darkest parts of my mind. Oddly enough this never happened when I was on a mission. I was usually focused and did what I was assigned to do with ease. No questions asked. But later on when I was all alone in my bunker, I'd definitely be asking myself those questions all night.

The mission I had last was the final straw. The image of little girl with the big brown eyes was tattooed in my brain. I knew it wasn't my place to be concerned about her, especially after what I'd done to her mother but it wouldn't stop. The nightmares weren't going away and no increased dose of Prozac would make them.

"Blayze." It had only been a day but I recognised Xenon's voice like the back of my hand. He'd come with Marcus and the rude little prick that had gotten me detention. "Nito here, has something to say."

"Hey listen, I think we got off on the wrong foot. I didn't mean to be inappropriate, it's kinda my thing..."

Marcus smacked the back of his head. "Focus."

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have touched you like that, even though your reaction was like a hundred times worse than-"


"Okay. I'm sorry. That's it."

Before I could decline his apology a loud call echoed through the hall.

"Xen!" Tyme scurried towards us and yanked Xenon away by the arm. I couldn't hear much from where they stood but I noticed Tyme didn't look too good. His tie had spots of vomit on it and there were beads of sweat forming on his temple. Marcus and Nito went to his side to help him stay up just as he was about to lose his balance. They kept telling him to relax and stay calm, which in my experience never did much help.

Darwin and Louis charged through the door at incredible speed. "Where is he? Tyme!"

"We couldn't find any," Louis reported.

"Not even one?" Marcus asked.


"What's wrong with him?" I asked and they all looked at me as though surprised I was still here.

"He's sick and I forgot his medication at home." Xenon replied quickly as he flung his bag off his back and tore it open in a panic.

"When's the new batch coming?" Marcus asked.

"My dad doesn't discuss that type of stuff with Marc, he just tells me what to get from his lab and I do it. The new batch isn't ready yet, I just hope it's done before Friday."

Xenon's father was big in the science industry. This would have been a great lead except his background check had come back clear; almost spotless. But from what I was seeing here, there was much more to Mr Takahashi and these boys than what they claimed to be, and I'll be damned if I didn't find out what.

"Here." Xenon fished out a syringe from his bag and jabbed it into Tyme's thigh. "That should help. For now."

Tyme groaned drowsily and sighed from exasperation. His breathing slowly began stabilising and soon enough he could stand again

"You good mate?" Xenon asked.

Tyme nodded. "I'm good for now, but I don't think I'm going to make it to Friday."

"Is your disease terminal?" I asked and once again everybody turned to face me.

"Uuuh no," Xenon answered awkwardly.

"It could be though," Darwin added to which he got a nudge from Marcus to shut up.

"It's not," Xenon continued, "Anyways, we just came by to apologise for earlier, right now we need to get going class started like five minutes ago."

"Of course. Perhaps I'll see you at lunch?" I asked.

"Definitely. We'll see you then."

"Get out boys! This isn't a social spot!" The loud man's bellow belonged to Mr. Leonard, the professor who'd been missing from his seat the whole time. The boys helped Tyme towards the door, leaving Nito behind who earned himself detention as well from our earlier encounter.

"Now you lot, sit! With your mouth shut!" He ordered pulling in his chair and taking a seat.

I gave him a dirty look then bowed my head in silence hoping the next two hours would whiz by in a second but it wasn't long before Nito started whispering my name to get my attention.

"What!?" I barked.

"The boys just texted that you should come with me after your last lesson."

"I'm not going anywhere with you."

"Lunch has been cancelled but we're meeting later, do you still want to chill with us or not?"

Of course I did, there were so many questions I needed answered.

"Meet me at the library after school, come alone."

"Cool," I said facing the floor once more. I couldn't make it too obvious that I was onto them, a strong hunch told me I was moving in the right direction with this particular group of boys, there was something they were hiding, and I was going to find out what it was.


What do you think is up with Tyme, do you like his name, cause I do:)
Most importantly do you think his behind stealing the casket?

Stick around and find out.

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