June 29 2016

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Today was the first day of girls camp. I'm afraid of the bugs. I don't think I'll fall asleep tonight. First when we for to the cabin we found a snake under my bed. It was little, but it freaked me out. I'm feeling really homesick because I didn't bring a stuffed animal. I wanted to bring the wolf, but now I am glad I didn't because I don't want bugs all over in it and I want to preserve the smell as much as possible. Andy broke off with me again. I'm hoping he didn't mean it but I can't take it any longer. He promised to stay committed, and he's not. And he told me he attempted again last week. I'm really worried about him. I didn't even get to say goodbye. My parents said he's just telling me he's depressed to manipulate me. I really hope not. I hope trusting him will not be a mistake.

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